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人工养麝现状及发展前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
麝为我国重要的资源动物,野生麝资源的锐减使人工养麝成为提供天然麝香的惟一有效途径.简述了麝的经济价值、麝香种类、化学成分和人工养麝历史背景,分析了人工养殖现状和存在问题,提出了今后养麝业发展方向.  相似文献   

麝香在中医药中的应用与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麝是我国的珍贵稀有动物,雄麝的分泌物———麝香作为众多著名中成药原料和高级香料而举世闻名。但是,由于对麝资源的过度捕猎,以及人类活动范围的扩大而导致麝栖息环境———森林面积的大幅度缩减,使麝成为最为严重的濒危物种之一。因此,国家林业局在广泛征求国内麝资源研究专家和中医药等有关方面意见的基础上,上报国务院于2002年10月24日正式批准将麝由国家二级重点保护动物升为一级重点保护动物,全面禁止对野生麝的一切捕猎活动,对库存天然麝香的使用实行严格管理,并积极推广应用人工麝香。这一决定对于切实加强麝资源…  相似文献   

麝鼠香是一种珍贵的动物香料和重要的药用资源,其药理活性与天然麝香相似,是天然麝香的理想替代品,现就曹县药用动物研究所麝鼠研究室对麝鼠的人工活体取香技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

人工养麝   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自古以来人们都是猎杀野麝获取麝香,狩猎时不分公、母、仔一并捕杀,而母、仔均无香。由于长期滥捕乱猎,加之森林的采伐,野麝栖息环境日渐恶化,野生资源已受到严重破坏。如果不能从根本上改变过去那种“杀鸡取卵”、“竭泽而渔”的落后生产方式,在10年内这种珍贵的野生经济动物,将在我国绝迹。诸多中成药因缺乏主要原料而无法生产,给国家带来很大的经济上的损失。人工养麝活体取香是保护野麝资源永续利用的最佳选择。我国是开展人工养麝活体取香科研活动最早的国家,1958年国务院提出变野生动植物药为家种家养的指导方针,先后…  相似文献   

陇东药用两栖爬行动物资源开发与利用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了陇东药用两栖爬行动物的分布及应用,并对生物多样性的保护与资源的持续利用进行了有益的探讨.虽然陇东地区的药用动物资源较丰富,但不少种类资源贮量有限;如鳖、蛇等可以大量人工养殖,走综合加工利用之路,充分发挥其经济效益,为陇东地区的生物制药业和经济发展服务.  相似文献   

摘要: 长爪沙鼠是源于我国的一种“多功能”实验动物,在一些研究领域发挥着重要作用。根据长爪沙鼠生物学特性培育模型群体将大大推动相关领域的研究工作。自1987 年首都医科大学捕获野生长爪沙鼠并开始实验动物化以来,开展了人工驯化、生物学特性研究、遗传质量控制、模型资源培育等工作。本文仅对首都医科大学在长爪沙鼠的资源培育历程方面作简要概述。  相似文献   

宋大祥教授任主编的《西南武陵山地区动物资源和评价》和《西南武陵山地区无脊椎动物》两部书分别于1994年和1997年由科学出版社出版.该书是中国科学院西南武陵山地区动物资源考察队在1988~1990年期间对西南武陵山地区资源考察结果的全面总结.西南武陵山地区位于湘、黔、川、鄂四省交界处,地域广阔、环境多样,动物资源丰富.本书就是考察队经过3a多对该地区的艰辛考察后编写的,基本上反映了武陵地区动物的种类、分布和生态环境.《西南武陵山地区动物资源和评价》全书432页,内容分三篇,第一、二篇按水陆两大环境探讨水生和陆生动物…  相似文献   

上海实验动物中心(以下简称中心)是中国科学院内唯一从事实验动物生产和研究的专业单位,主要承担我国实验动物资源的保存、引种、我国特有动物资源的开发和利用等工作。2000年6月,因原址上海漕溪路地块开发而开始动迁新建。徐平敏锐地捕捉到这一契机,认为随着生命科学的发展,国内对高质量实验动物及其各种动物模型的需求越来越大,实验动物将成为生物制药行业不可替代的支撑条件。  相似文献   

人工饲养恒河猴血清生理指数的分析阳建春,黄韧广州省实验动物监测所陈乾生华南濒危动物研究所恒河猴(Macacamulatta)是灵长类实验动物中最常见的动物,在人类医学、生物学、行为生态学、人类疾病模型等方面的研究中起极其重要的作用,在我省,饲养恒河猴...  相似文献   

恩施州两栖爬行动物多样性现状及保护对策的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析恩施州自然地理条件基础上,对两栖、爬行动物资源种类、数量及分布进行了初步的调查分析,结果表明恩施州独特的生态环境造就了两爬动物资源的多样性,并针对其两爬动物的资源现状提出了拟继续研究的方向及保护建议。  相似文献   

Rybczynski N  Reisz RR 《Nature》2001,411(6838):684-687
Herbivores can increase their digestion rate by mechanically reducing particle size through oral trituration. Groups of terrestrial vertebrates with the greatest capacity to reduce tough plant foods orally are also the most abundant and diverse, as exemplified by ornithopod dinosaurs during the Mesozoic and extant artiodactyl and perissodactyl mammals. Thus, the effective oral processing of high-fibre plant material seems to represent an evolutionary innovation of both functional and macroevolutionary significance. However, evidence for oral processing is poorly documented in the fossil record, especially during the initial stages of terrestrial vertebrate diversification. Here we report on the basal anomodont Suminia getmanovi, the only known Palaeozoic vertebrate in which unequivocal specializations in its cranium and teeth for high-fibre herbivory are well preserved. We propose that the capacity to comminute tough plant foods was critical to the diversification of anomodonts, the most diverse, widely dispersed and abundant group of Palaeozoic terrestrial vertebrates, and to the onset of modern terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Global tests of biodiversity concordance and the importance of endemism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding patterns of biodiversity distribution is essential to conservation strategies, but severe data constraints make surrogate measures necessary. For this reason, many studies have tested the performance of terrestrial vertebrates as surrogates for overall species diversity, but these tests have typically been limited to a single taxon or region. Here we show that global patterns of richness are highly correlated among amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, as are endemism patterns. Furthermore, we demonstrate that although the correlation between global richness and endemism is low, aggregate regions selected for high levels of endemism capture significantly more species than expected by chance. Although areas high in endemism have long been targeted for the protection of narrow-ranging species, our findings provide evidence that endemism is also a useful surrogate for the conservation of all terrestrial vertebrates.  相似文献   

湖北省后河自然保护区陆生脊椎动物物种多样性调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
地处鄂西南五峰县的湖北省后河自然保护区,由于其人口密度低,地势起伏高差大,植被封闭良好,特别是地处湘、鄂边界的特殊地理环境,其动植物群落的边缘效应非常突出,物种多样性的丰富度和重要物种的高密度在湖北省十分罕见.由湖北省林业厅下达的《湖北省后河自然保护...  相似文献   

R M Wells  V Tetens  T Brittain 《Nature》1983,306(5942):500-502
It is generally accepted that the sigmoidal nature of the haemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve (ODC) is necessary for efficient oxygen transport in terrestrial vertebrates because it allows large volumes of oxygen to be bound or released for relatively small changes in the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in the blood. Furthermore, the amount of oxygen to tissues is increased by hydrogen ions produced from the dissociation of carbon dioxide in solution. The generality of these key features of cooperative oxygen binding and the Bohr effect holds for reptiles, birds and mammals, including representatives with special respiratory requirements for diving, burrowing and living at high altitude. Sphenodon punctatus is the sole surviving representative of the ancient order of 'beakhead' reptiles (order Rhynchocephalia) which were once widely distributed during the Triassic period before the spectacular radiation of dinosaur faunas. We have now investigated the oxygen transporting properties of blood from Sphenodon and find that the ODC is hyperbolic, with a high affinity for oxygen and very small Bohr effect. This combination of characteristics is unique among terrestrial vertebrates and accords with a low demand for oxygen and limited scope for aerobic activity.  相似文献   

陇南市位于甘肃南部,属北亚热带、暖温带和中温带重叠的季风区,雨量充沛,温暖湿润,境内自然环境优越,生态系统类型多样,生物资源种类繁多。通过对全市药用动物的调查,有野生药用动物有野生药用动物50目101科141属184种,其中无脊椎动物25目52科60属82种,脊椎动物25目49科81属102种。药用动物养殖业发展不平衡,主要以大鲵、林麝、梅花鹿、毛驴和野猪为主,本研究通过对甘肃省陇南市药用动物资源进行调查与评价,旨在为陇南市药用动物物种多样性保护和药用动物养殖利用与研究提供参考。  相似文献   

An important step towards understanding the evolution of terrestriality in vertebrates is to identify how the aquatic ancestors of tetrapods were able to access ground-based prey. We have discovered that the 'eel catfish' Channallabes apus, an inhabitant of the muddy swamps of tropical Africa, has a remarkable ability to forage and capture prey on land. The animal's capacity to bend its head down towards the ground while feeding seems to be an essential feature that may have enabled fish to make the transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial mode.  相似文献   

Chameleon radiation by oceanic dispersal   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Raxworthy CJ  Forstner MR  Nussbaum RA 《Nature》2002,415(6873):784-787
Historical biogeography is dominated by vicariance methods that search for a congruent pattern of fragmentation of ancestral distributions produced by shared Earth history. A focus of vicariant studies has been austral area relationships and the break-up of the supercontinent Gondwana. Chameleons are one of the few extant terrestrial vertebrates thought to have biogeographic patterns that are congruent with the Gondwanan break-up of Madagascar and Africa. Here we show, using molecular and morphological evidence for 52 chameleon taxa, support for a phylogeny and area cladogram that does not fit a simple vicariant history. Oceanic dispersal--not Gondwanan break-up--facilitated species radiation, and the most parsimonious biogeographic hypothesis supports a Madagascan origin for chameleons, with multiple 'out-of-Madagascar' dispersal events to Africa, the Seychelles, the Comoros archipelago, and possibly Reunion Island. Although dispersal is evident in other Indian Ocean terrestrial animal groups, our study finds substantial out-of-Madagascar species radiation, and further highlights the importance of oceanic dispersal as a potential precursor for speciation.  相似文献   

调查和统计得出:广东南岭国家级自然保护区共有陆栖脊椎动物486种,隶属27目86科287属,占全国陆栖脊椎动物种数(2 638种)的18.42%.其中,兽类有89种;鸟类有259种;爬行类有94种;两栖类有44种.区内脊椎动物多样性的基本特征是:(1)该保护区属于具有世界意义的物种丰富区域;(2)具有华南区成分占优势,南、北方动物交错分布的区系特征.  相似文献   

A Jurassic eutherian mammal and divergence of marsupials and placentals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Luo ZX  Yuan CX  Meng QJ  Ji Q 《Nature》2011,476(7361):442-445
Placentals are the most abundant mammals that have diversified into every niche for vertebrates and dominated the world's terrestrial biotas in the Cenozoic. A critical event in mammalian history is the divergence of eutherians, the clade inclusive of all living placentals, from the metatherian-marsupial clade. Here we report the discovery of a new eutherian of 160?Myr from the Jurassic of China, which extends the first appearance of the eutherian-placental clade by about 35?Myr from the previous record, reducing and resolving a discrepancy between the previous fossil record and the molecular estimate for the placental-marsupial divergence. This mammal has scansorial forelimb features, and provides the ancestral condition for dental and other anatomical features of eutherians.  相似文献   

Energetic constraints on the diet of terrestrial carnivores   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Carbone C  Mace GM  Roberts SC  Macdonald DW 《Nature》1999,402(6759):286-288
Species in the mammalian order Carnivora exhibit a huge diversity of life histories with body sizes spanning more than three orders of magnitude. Despite this diversity, most terrestrial carnivores can be classified as either feeding on invertebrates and small vertebrates or on large vertebrates. Small carnivores feed predominantly on invertebrates probably because they are a superabundant resource (sometimes 90% of animal biomass); however, intake rates of invertebrate feeders are low, about one tenth of those of vertebrate feeders. Although small carnivores can subsist on this diet because of low absolute energy requirements, invertebrate feeding appears to be unsustainable for larger carnivores. Here we show, by reviewing the most common live prey in carnivore diets, that there is a striking transition from feeding on small prey (less than half of predator mass) to large prey (near predator mass), occurring at predator masses of 21.5-25 kg. We test the hypothesis that this dichotomy is the consequence of mass-related energetic requirements and we determine the predicted maximum mass that an invertebrate diet can sustain. Using a simple energetic model and known invertebrate intake rates, we predict a maximum sustainable mass of 21.5 kg, which matches the point where predators shift from small to large prey.  相似文献   

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