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石鸡、灰椋鸟和家鸽视网膜结构的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩亚鹏  张小霞 《科技资讯》2014,12(21):246-247
对石鸡(Alectoris chukar)、灰椋鸟(Sturnus cineraceus)、家鸽(Columbiformes)的正常视网膜结构进行了形态学观察,且对其视网膜各层的厚度、各核层胞核的层数、大小、核的直径做了比较分析,结果表明:三种鸟类视网膜和其他脊椎动物一样,均为10层,石鸡、家鸽视网膜结构相似,为昼行性动物视网膜结构特征,灰椋鸟为晨昏性视网膜结构特征.说明结构的差异性与其生活习性的不同相一致.  相似文献   

为探讨家鸽、毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠视网膜组织结构与其生活环境适应的关系,用光镜观察了3种动物视网膜的组织结构,测量了3种动物视网膜各层厚度、3个核层的胞核层数及胞核直径。用免疫组化观察了Nogo C蛋白在3中动物视网膜的表达情况。结果表明:家鸽、毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠视网膜均由4层细胞构成,在显微镜下分为10层。家鸽、毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠视网膜平均厚度分别为416.29、437.90、419.36μm。毛腿沙鸡视网膜内核层和节细胞层的层数比家鸽和灰斑鸠的多,视细胞数亦较家鸽和灰斑鸠的多。毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠视网膜内核层、内网层、节细胞层和神经纤维层4层厚度所占总厚度比例(分别为69.77%、68.05%)要比家鸽(49.97%)的高。表明毛腿沙鸡具有比家鸽和灰斑鸠更强的视觉分辨能力和对强光的适应能力,毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠的视神经要比家鸽的发达。Nogo C蛋白在正常状态下视网膜中的表达可能发挥某些特定的生理作用,但还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

蜥蜴亚目5种动物视网膜结构的观察比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为探讨蜥蜴亚目视网膜结构与生活习性的关系,用光镜观察了北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)、丽斑麻蜥(Eremias argus)、铜蜥(Lygosoma indicum)、无蹼壁虎(Gekko swinhonis)和耳疣壁虎(Gekko auriverrucosus)视网膜的结构,测量各层厚度、3个核层的胞核层数及胞核直径。经统计、比较和分析,结果表明,昼行性的北草蜥、丽斑麻蜥和铜蜥的视网膜结构相似,而夜行性或晨昏性活动的两种壁虎视网膜结构相似,显示了蜥蜴亚目视网膜结构和机能与各自的生活习性的一致性。其中,北草蜥视盘的基部有栉膜伸入玻璃体。  相似文献   

中国蛙科-新属——肛刺蛙属(蛙科:叉舌蛙亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
形态比较和分子系统学分析结果表明叶氏隆肛蛙Feirana yei具有较多独特性.其雄性个体肛部隆起,肛孔下方有两个布满黑刺的大的白色球形隆起、具单咽下内声囊、第一指具婚刺等外形特征可区别于隆肛蛙属已知的另2种和蛙科叉舌蛙亚科中的其他各属;在棘蛙族系统发育关系树上独立为一支,位于Quasipaa支系的基部,与该属其他种明显分开,构成姐妹群关系.这些特性表明叶氏隆肛蛙不宜划入隆肛蛙属或Quasipaa,适宜另立一新属,即肛刺蛙属Yerana gen.nov.  相似文献   

2012年9月到2014年10月期间,对四川省万源市花萼山国家级自然保护区两栖动物进行了调查,结果显示花萼山共有两栖动物2目9科27种(亚种).其中国家II级保护动物1种,为大鲵Andrias daviddianus;省级保护动物3种,为巫山巴鲵Liua shihi、秦巴巴鲵Liua tsinpaensis和中国林蛙Rana chensinensis;极危物种1种,濒危物种1种,易危物种4种,近危物种5种;三有动物(国家保护的有益、有重要经济价值、有重要科学研究价值的陆生野生动物)23种(亚种);中国特有种17种(亚种);相对于2006年的调查新增2个种,分别为南江臭蛙Odorrana nanjiangensis和光雾臭蛙Odorrana kuangwuensis.建议建立统一的"秦巴山区两栖动物监测网络",重点加强大鲵、秦巴巴鲵、巫山巴鲵、南江角蟾、巫山角蟾、南江臭蛙、光雾臭蛙、隆肛蛙、合征姬蛙等种类的监测和生物学研究.在加大宣传和打击违法捕捉力度,减少对野生蛙类利用的同时,积极开展隆肛蛙、棘腹蛙等大型蛙类的人工养殖研究,从而更加有效地保护秦巴山区的两栖动物.  相似文献   

中国蛙科一新属——肛刺蛙属(蛙科:叉舌蛙亚科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
形态比较和分子系统学分析结果表明叶氏隆肛蛙Feirana yei具有较多独特性.其雄性个体肛部隆起,肛孔下方有两个布满黑刺的大的白色球形隆起、具单咽下内声囊、第一指具婚刺等外形特征可区别于隆肛蛙属已知的另2种和蛙科叉舌蛙亚科中的其他各属;在棘蛙族系统发育关系树上独立为一支,位于Quasipaa支系的基部,与该属其他种明显分开,构成姐妹群关系.这些特性表明叶氏隆肛蛙不宜划入隆肛蛙属或Quasipaa,适宜另立一新属,即肛刺蛙属Yerana gen.nov.  相似文献   

通过对野外调查所获标本的查询鉴定,并结合已有的文献报道进行整理,结果表明,河南省现生两栖动物计有2目10科30种,其中有尾目3科8种;无尾目7科22种.在30种两栖动物中,包括东洋种20种,广布种6种,古北种4种,分别占总种数的67%,20%和13%,以东洋种占优势,但也体现出古北界与东洋界相过渡的特点.动物地理区划分析表明,河南省两栖动物的物种多样性呈现出山区高、丘陵及平原低,豫南高于豫北,豫西高于豫东的特点.基于最新的研究报道,原记载的秦巴拟小鲵Pseudohynobius tsinpaensis、巫山北鲵Ranodon shihi应归为巴鲵Liua属;原记载的隆肛蛙Rana quadrana现分别被记为太行隆肛蛙Feirana taihangnicus、叶氏肛刺蛙Yerana yei;肥螈属Pachytriton的费氏肥螈Pachytriton feii在河南鲜有知晓者,应与其被描述、记载较晚有关.文中还讨论了豫南小鲵Hynobious yunanicus和湖北侧褶蛙Palophylax hubeiensis的物种有效性.  相似文献   

研究棕色田鼠和昆明小鼠在不同光照处理条件下视网膜各层厚度及细胞密度,进而对其视觉系统发育特征进行比较.结果表明在黑暗条件下,昆明小鼠视网膜的总厚度趋于变薄,棕色田鼠则相反;在有光情况下,棕色田鼠视网膜总厚度趋于变薄,昆明小鼠则相反;不同的光照处理条件下,两种鼠视网膜的外核层和内核层的核层均逐渐由厚变薄.研究结果提示,在视觉系统发育过程中,地上鼠和地下鼠的视网膜可对不同的光照条件产生适应性的结构变化,反映了二者进化史的差异.  相似文献   

北京鸭视网膜的组织学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在光镜和扫描电镜下观察了北京鸭视网膜的组织结构,并进行了一些定量研究。结果表明:1)视网膜平均厚度为205μ,视网膜面积平均为312mm^2。2)外核层、内核层和神经节细层三个核层细胞数之比为2.5:6.1,这表明北京鸭视网膜属于昼夜活运动物视网膜类型。  相似文献   

斑马鱼视网膜正常结构的定理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本采用半薄切片甲苯胺蓝染色方法,对斑马鱼视网膜正常结构进行了形态学观察,并对视网膜各层厚度,特别是神经节细胞层中细胞核的大小和密度进行了定量分析。结果表明:斑马鱼视网膜正常结构象大多数脊椎动物的一样分为10层,其总厚度为167.5±12.5μm、除外、内界膜外、其余各层由外向内分别为:色素上皮层约29.6±5.9μm,视杆视锥层25.4±3.4μm,外核层8.9±1.4μm,外网状层8.9±2.  相似文献   

应急管理可视化多元信息系统构建若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于应急管理的4R理论构建了应急管理系统功能模型和结构模型,提出了基于资源层、状态层、决策层和操作层表达的四层结构应急管理可视化多元信息系统模型,并给出了多元信息可视化表示方法示例和分层递阶可视化融合和应急决策模型.  相似文献   

Chatterjee S  Callaway EM 《Nature》2003,426(6967):668-671
The trichromatic primate retina parses the colour content of a visual scene into 'red/green' and 'blue/yellow' representations. Cortical circuits must combine the information encoded in these colour-opponent signals to reconstruct the full range of perceived colours. Red/green and blue/yellow inputs are relayed by the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of thalamus to primary visual cortex (V1), so understanding how cortical circuits transform these signals requires understanding how LGN inputs to V1 are organized. Here we report direct recordings from LGN afferent axons in muscimol-inactivated V1. We found that blue/yellow afferents terminated exclusively in superficial cortical layers 3B and 4A, whereas red/green afferents were encountered only in deeper cortex, in lower layer 4C. We also describe a distinct cortical target for 'blue-OFF' cells, whose afferents terminated in layer 4A and seemed patchy in organization. The more common 'blue-ON' afferents were found in 4A as well as lower layer 2/3. Chromatic information is thus conveyed to V1 by parallel, anatomically segregated colour-opponent systems, to be combined at a later stage of the colour circuit.  相似文献   

H Sakai  K Naka 《Nature》1985,315(6020):570-571
In many fish retinas, thin axons from the external horizontal cells extend through the inner nuclear layer and expand into large terminal processes that lie along the border of the inner nuclear and inner plexiform layers. Although the horizontal-cell axon terminals are structurally very prominent, their function is unknown. Here we report morphological and functional evidence that signals from catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) horizontal-cell axon terminals can be transmitted directly to amacrine cells. Current injected into horizontal-cell axon terminals produces responses from both transient and sustained amacrine cells very similar to those elicited by light stimuli. Electron microscope observations show chemical synapses from the axon terminals onto amacrine cell perikarya and processes. These data suggest that amacrine cells in the catfish retina receive two inputs, one from bipolar cells and the other from horizontal-cell axon terminals.  相似文献   

S A Bloomfield 《Nature》1991,350(6316):347-350
Neurons sensitive to the orientation of light stimuli exist throughout the mammalian visual system, suggesting that this spatial feature is a fundamental cue used by the brain to decipher visual information. The most peripheral neurons known to show orientation sensitivity are the retinal ganglion cells. Considerable morphological and pharmacological data suggest that the orientation sensitivity of ganglion cells is formed, at least partly, by the amacrine cells, which are laterally oriented interneurons presynaptic to the ganglion cells in the inner plexiform layer. So far there have been few studies of the responses of amacrine cells to oriented visual stimuli and their role in forming orientation-sensitive responses in the retina remains unclear. Here I report the novel finding of a population of amacrine cells in the rabbit retina which are orientation-sensitive. These amacrine cells can be divided into two subtypes, whose orientation sensitivity is manufactured by two distinct mechanisms. The orientation sensitivity of the first subtype of amacrine cell is formed from the interactions of excitatory, centre-receptive field synaptic inputs and inhibitory inputs of opposite polarity, whereas that for cells of the second subtype seems to be the product of a marked asymmetry in their dendritic arbors.  相似文献   

采用光镜观察了乌梢蛇(Zoacys dhumnades)视网膜的结构,测量并比较了外核层、内核层与节细胞层的细胞数量,分析了视细胞的分布特征,研究了其视网膜结构与生活习性的关系.结果表明,乌梢蛇视网膜中央区分布着大量的视锥细胞,外核层与节细胞层的细胞数量相当,色素上皮层的细胞有许多突起伸向视杆视锥层内,说明乌梢蛇是一种昼行性蛇类.视网膜盲部接近视部处有椭圆形突起,该突起呈连续分布而形成一圈,突起内可见血窦及丰富的红细胞,该突起可能与锥状突和/或栉膜具有同源关系.  相似文献   

Kim IJ  Zhang Y  Yamagata M  Meister M  Sanes JR 《Nature》2008,452(7186):478-482
The retina contains complex circuits of neurons that extract salient information from visual inputs. Signals from photoreceptors are processed by retinal interneurons, integrated by retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and sent to the brain by RGC axons. Distinct types of RGC respond to different visual features, such as increases or decreases in light intensity (ON and OFF cells, respectively), colour or moving objects. Thus, RGCs comprise a set of parallel pathways from the eye to the brain. The identification of molecular markers for RGC subsets will facilitate attempts to correlate their structure with their function, assess their synaptic inputs and targets, and study their diversification. Here we show, by means of a transgenic marking method, that junctional adhesion molecule B (JAM-B) marks a previously unrecognized class of OFF RGCs in mice. These cells have asymmetric dendritic arbors aligned in a dorsal-to-ventral direction across the retina. Their receptive fields are also asymmetric and respond selectively to stimuli moving in a soma-to-dendrite direction; because the lens reverses the image of the world on the retina, these cells detect upward motion in the visual field. Thus, JAM-B identifies a unique population of RGCs in which structure corresponds remarkably to function.  相似文献   

C B Watt  Y Y Su  D M Lam 《Nature》1984,311(5988):761-763
In addition to conventional neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine, glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a number of peptide-immunoreactive substances have recently been localized in the vertebrate retina. The functional roles of these retinal peptides and their interactions with conventional neurotransmitters are largely unknown. We have previously shown that exogenous opiates affect both the release of GABA and the firing patterns of ganglion cells in the goldfish retina, and we have now begun a systematic characterization of the opioid pathways in the chicken retina, because, among vertebrate retinas, avian retinas contain the highest concentration of enkephalins. Monoclonal antibodies specific for enkephalin have been used to demonstrate that a subpopulation of enkephalin-containing amacrine cells exists in the chicken retina. This retina also synthesizes Met-enkephalin and releases it on cell depolarization. The enkephalin-induced inhibition of GABA release in goldfish retina led us to examine whether similar interactions occur in chicken, and if so, whether enkephalins and GABA coexist in the same amacrine cells. Our results, presented here, indicate that exogenous enkephalins do indeed inhibit GABA release in the chicken retina. Surprisingly, we found that although some amacrine cells contain both enkephalin and GABA, others contain only one or the other.  相似文献   

本文设计并制备了两种不同结构的多层SiC/Al合金复合材料,对其进行了弹道冲击测试。其中结构A为具有两层陶瓷板和一层金属内衬板;结构B为具有三层陶瓷板和两层金属内衬板。具有三层陶瓷板的结构B,相对于具有两层陶瓷板的结构A,在弹道冲击作用下,表现出较好的结构完整性。弹道冲击后,作用于结构A的弹体质量损失大,但是其长度损失小。对于结构B,单层陶瓷板厚度较小,但是对弹体的磨蚀作用强于结构A。陶瓷/金属层状复合材料作为一个整体,金属内衬板自身也吸收一部分冲击动能,从而导致了向后的变形,同时也产生阻力对断裂锥和弹体进行减速。此外,弹-靶结合瞬间产生巨大的热量,导致弹体发生部分熔蚀,也是弹体质量和长度损失的原因之一;同时金属内衬板也发生部分熔化。  相似文献   

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