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引用本文:李乃龙. 论《文选》“铭”类[J]. 河池师专学报, 2012, 0(1): 14-21
基金项目:2001年国家社科基金项目《文选分类研究》(01BZW015); 广西“人文强桂”建设工程项目“《文选》研究”(桂科软05111001)结题成果之一; 广西特聘专家专项经费资助阶段性成果
摘    要:从内容上说,铭文是对所铸钟鼎由来的说明,钟鼎是为纪念赞颂祖先功绩而铸;铭还可以纪生者之功,其基调是赞颂;铭又常用于鉴戒,劝人肃言慎行。刘勰所论铭体之"大要"有三:"其取事也必核以辨"其实是曹丕"尚实"说的展开,"弘润"之说显然也从陆机"温润"说脱胎,"其摛文也必简而深"是陆机"博约"说的继承。铭体以永垂后世为目的,因而都以金石为载体,这就注定了其体以言简意深为尚。从形式上看,铭可分为缀序铭和徒铭两种模式。就铭文本身来看,其形式一为骚体,二为齐言。铭文从刻铸于金属到镂刻于石材再到书写于纸张的演变历程,也是其形制篇幅由简到繁的演变历程。从载体看,铭文渐与碑文合拢并流。《文选》共录铭五篇:班固《封燕然山铭》属武将外战功勋铭,具有强烈气势美;陆倕《石阙铭》属帝王内战功勋铭,注重征讨正义性;崔瑗《座右铭》是立身处世的自我勉戒;《剑阁铭》为山河之戒张本;《新刻漏铭》的价值是在于体现了器物铭所应具有的人文内涵。

关 键 词:文选  铭文  碑文  文体

On the Inscription of Wen Xuan
LI Nai-long. On the Inscription of Wen Xuan[J]. Journal of Hechi Normal College, 2012, 0(1): 14-21
Authors:LI Nai-long
Affiliation:LI Nai-long(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin,Guangxi 541004,China)
Abstract:From the content,the inscription describes the origin of the carved zhong and ding because zhong and ding were cast for honouring and extolling ancestors' achievements.And the inscription could be used for recording the feat of a living person with the tone of praise.Moreover,the inscription was commonly used for warning,and asking someone to be humble and cautious.Liu Xie's theory about the inscription includes three main aspects: First,"Selection of writing materials is sure to carefully verify and identify" actually comes from Cao Pi's "advocating the fact";secondly,"grand and soft" clearly originates from Lu Ji's "warm and soft";finally,"The writing of the article must be simple and profound" is the continuation of Lu Ji's "broad and simple".In order to be remembered forever,the inscription are always carved in stone,which shows its style must be simple and profound.From the form,the inscription can be divided into two modes: Zhuixu inscription and Tu inscription.From the inscription itself,its form can be divided into Sao-style and Qiyan-style.The evolution process of the inscription,which is carved into from metal to stone and then to the paper,is also that of the article length from the simplicity to complexity.From the carrier,the inscription and the tablet inscription are gradually integrated.There are five articles of the inscription in Wen Xuan: Ban Gu's article The Inscription of a Reward on Yanran Mountain describes the feats of the foreign war of the general,which has a strong sense of beauty;Lu Chui's article The Inscription of Shique presents the achievements of the Emperor in the civil war,which focuses on the justice of the war;Cui Yuan's article Motto is the exhortation about one person's behaviours;the article Jiange Inscription is a start of warning government not to excessive reliance on the steep mountains and the raging rivers;the article New Kelou Inscription embodies the humanistic connotations of the inscription of the wares,which that kind of style should have.
Keywords:Wen Xuan  inscription  tablet inscription  style
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