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摘    要:采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、田野调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对巢湖市农村体育场地设施的现状以及发展困境进行调查研究,研究结果显示:巢湖市农村体育场地数量为9.28个/万人,人均体育场地面积0.86 m2,以老年人和青少年使用为主,成年男性使用率较低,农村体育场地规模与人口规模分布不对应,规模种类单一,教育系统和其他系统中体育场地设施资源利用率较低等.城乡二元制社会结构的制约、农村体育场地设施管理机制不健全、忽视农村老年人公共体育场地设施建设,是导致巢湖市农村体育场地设施建设落后的重要因素.在此基础上提出,打破行政壁垒,进行统一的场地体育设施规划建设;加强对体育场地设施使用和体育健身技能培训引导;完善农村公共体育场地设施购买和维护的管理制度;加强社会力量,增加其他体育场地设施资源的利用等建设性建议.为政府及有关体育部门在新农村建设,完善巢湖市农村基本公共体育场地设施空间布局提供现实素材.

关 键 词:农村体育  公共体育场地设施  巢湖

Analysis of the Current Situation and Development Dilemma of the Regional Rural Sports Venue Facilities in Chaohu
Affiliation:,School of Physical Education,Chaohu College
Abstract:In this paper,by using literature,questionnaire survey,field investigation,mathematical statistics and other research methods,this author investigates and researches the status of rural sports venue facilities and development dilemma in Chaohu City. The results show that the number of rural public sports venues per capita possession of per ten thousand people is 9. 28,per capita sports venues area is 0. 86 m2,and that the sports facilities are mainly used by the elderly and young groups,but seldom by adult males,that the scale of rural sports venues and population size distribution do not match,and that the utilization of sports venues and facilities resource in educational system and other systems is low. The reasons of poor development of rural public sports venue facilities in Chaohu include the restriction of urban-rural dual social structure,poor management,and neglect of public sports facilities for the elderly in rural areas. On this basis,the author makes some suggestions such as breaking the administrative barriers,making an unified sports facilities planning and construction,strengthening the guidance for the use of sports facilities and sports fitness skills training,improving the management,widening social resources,etc.
Keywords:rural sports  public sports venue facilities  Chaohu
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