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引用本文:王录仓. 酒泉市域农村产业结构变化—劳动力转移—小城镇发展的链式反应[J]. 西北师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2001, 37(4): 99-104
作者单位:王录仓(西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院甘肃兰州 730070)
摘    要:农村产业结构变化-农村剩余劳动力转移-农村小城镇发展这一链式反应是改革开放后农村社会经济发展和农村城乡一体化发展的新模式,然而对欠发达地区而言,这一链式反应存在着许多障碍因素,研究表明,在甘肃省酒泉市域,农村产业结构和农村劳动力结构同向转化,但二者存在着明显的相位差,在实现产业结构转化的同时并没有促成劳动力在空间上聚集,致使小城镇发展普遍不足,城乡一体化受阻,为了实现这一链式反应,必须加大乡镇企业的规模化经营,改革现有户籍制度,加强现有城镇基础设施建设,走内涵与外延相结合的发展道路。

关 键 词:农村产业结构变化 农村剩余劳动力转移 小城镇发展 酒泉地区 链式反应 就业结构

Change of rural economic structure, transformation of surplus rural labor forces and urbanization-take Jiuquan a case
WANG Lu-cang. Change of rural economic structure, transformation of surplus rural labor forces and urbanization-take Jiuquan a case[J]. Journal of Northwest Normal University Natural Science (Bimonthly), 2001, 37(4): 99-104
Authors:WANG Lu-cang
Abstract:In China,since reform and open-up,change of rura l industrie structure-transformation of surplus rural labor forces-town devel opment,called chain-reaction,is a new model.But in developing rear,this chain- reaction still have many block factors.Take Jiuquan a case,some conclusions are drawn from d etailed analysis of changing,rural industrial structure,occupational transformat ion and spatial movement of surplus rural labor forces and urban development. 1. Up to now, rural industry has made contribution to rural development. One maj or problem to be solved is the coordinate development of industry and agricultur e. 2.Currently, a great amount of surplus rural labors are continuously released fr om agriculture.However,due to restriction by existing socio-economic conditions ,the surplus labors are not always move to towns.The accelerated rural-urban movement and urbanization will not only help and agglomeration and agriculture d evelopment,but also promote regional economic development. 3.Open"additional funds for rural labor",develop township industries energetic ally,conduct industrialized management for agriculture.
Keywords:change of rural economic structure  transformation of surplus rural labor forces  urban development  Jiuquan Area
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