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Competition between harvester ants and rodents in the cold desert
Authors:Dan S. Landeen  Clive D. Jorgensen  H. Duane Smith
Abstract:Local distribution patterns of three rodent species ( Perognathus parvus, Peromyscus maniculatus, Reithrodontomys megalotis ) were studied in areas of high and low densities of harvester ants ( Pogonomyrmex owyheei ) in Raft River Valley, Idaho. Numbers of rodents were greatest in areas of high ant-density during May, but partially reduced in August; whereas, the trend was reversed in areas of low ant-density. Seed abundance was probably not the factor limiting changes in rodent populations, because seed densities of annual plants were always greater in areas of high ant-density. Differences in seasonal population distributions of rodents between areas of high and low ant-densities were probably due to interactions of seed availability, rodent energetics, and predation.
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