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Gregory Probert My Dream of A Healthcare Empire
摘    要:In 2006,Gregory Probert just tumed forty nine years old.He is now the COO and President oi Herballfe,a US-based rnultinational nutritional supplement company which devel- ops weight management products. Mr Probed,acquiring a Master degree from the University of Southern Cahfomia and MBA from the State University of California,has been conesid- ered as a top businessman in the world band on his succees in the business realm.The US Stock Exchange Website says his salary is USD 750,000,what is more, his approximate income in 2005 climbed up to the amaz- ing USD 2 million. The company he works for has also created rounds of new historic miracles.This company focuses on weight management,nutritional supplement and per- sonal care,and has gained vital forces after undergo- ing the founder's sudden death,the temporary inac- tion of senior mangers and the fast decline in market shares.It was under the leadership of Gregory Probert and CEO Michael O.Johnson that per share of Herbalife soared from USD14 to USD30 and even to USD 40 after the company went public in New York Security Exchange in December 2004.“Business is never about boring statistics.It involves individual ambition and passion What qualification does a business leader who can turn failure into success actually needs?When he is changing the situation, what steps should he adopt?”Well-built Gregory Probert is gray-haired and deep- eyed Gregory Probert,wearing a gray suit and brown leather shoes was sitting in the sofa coyly.He looks younger than in pictures published in business magazines Being a personable person,his eyes also contain great leadership On November 13 having flown over the Pacific Ocean, Mr Gregory Probed shared his challenges in the past years and expectations for the future with Health & Wealth in the deluxe conference room in China Hotel in Guangzhou His views ior the health industry in the future have guided and led him to today's business philosophy.He reminded us continuously:“Although we keep taking the Liftoff,an energy drink of Herbalife”, what motivates him the most is a dream to build a nutri- tion and health empire,which means to turn the tri- leaf sign of Herbalffe into a Disney Mickey Mouse in terms of its qlobal reputation and influence. He did not want to share too much of his past and family with others.On the contrary,he talked a lot about Herbalife and Percy Chin who was promoted to be the Managing Di- rector of the Greater China region in July and about Percy's management team in China.Gregory Probert,who is so differ- ent from self-boasting business leaders, is a man of moderate nature and can share glory with colleagues and take care of distnbutors with sufficient respect.

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