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引用本文:周浙昆,陈琳琳. 盘点云南植物王国的家底[J]. 自然杂志, 2021, 43(6): 459-466. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-9608.2021.06.008
作者姓名:周浙昆  陈琳琳
作者单位:中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 热带森林生态学重点实验室,云南 西双版纳 666303
摘    要:云南是中国生物多样性最丰富的省份,在不到全国国土面积4.1%的区域内分布了苔藓126科499属1 906种、蕨类61科193属1 363种、裸子植物9科25属113种、被子植物244科2 367属15 951种,即云南高等植物的种数为19 333种,占全国高等植物种数的一半以上。除了高等植物,云南另有地衣66科203属1 067种、大型真菌124科599属2 729种。云南具有从热带雨林到高山流石滩灌丛的各种植被类型,共包含14个植被型、38个植被亚型、474个群系。丰富的地球环境多样性、立体气候和特殊的地理位置是云南植物多样性丰富的原因。近年来,云南开展了一系列的保护行动,如:摸清植物的家底、编制保护名录、建立种质资源库、保护极小种群等,使云南的植物多样性得到了有效的保护。

关 键 词:植物多样性  植被多样性  云南  地球环境多样性  

Plant diversity in Yunnan province
ZHOU Zhekun,CHEN Linlin. Plant diversity in Yunnan province[J]. Chinese Journal of Nature, 2021, 43(6): 459-466. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-9608.2021.06.008
Authors:ZHOU Zhekun  CHEN Linlin
Affiliation:CAS Key Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xishuangbanna 666303, Yunnan Province, China 
Abstract:Yunnan province, which only accounts for 4.1% of Chinese territory area, however, is the most biodiverse province inChina. It harbors 19 333 higher plant species, which is more than half of higher plants in China, including 1 906 species of mossesbelonging to 499 genera in 126 families, 1 363 species of fern belonging to 193 genera in 61 families, 113 species of gymnospermsbelonging to 25 genera in 9 families, and 15 951 species of angiosperms belonging to 2 367 genera in 244 families. In addition tohigher plants, there are 1 067 species of lichen belonging to 203 genera in 66 families, and 2 729 species of macro fungi belongingto 599 genera in 124 families distributed in Yunnan. Considering to vegetation diversity, Yunnan is identified with 14 vegetationtypes, 38 vegetation subtypes, and 474 forms, ranging from tropical rainforests to shrubs in alpine screes. Such high plant diversityof Yunnan attributes to the rich Earth environmental diversity, the varied climate types, and its special geolocation. In recent years,a series of conservation actions has been carried out in Yunnan, such as counting the floral inventory, compiling conservation lists,establishing germplasm resource banks, and saving and protecting plant species with extremely small populations. Thanks to that, theplant diversity of Yunnan has been effectively protected
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