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摘    要:马克思把毕生的心血都用在了人类的解放事业上,他创造性地揭示了人类社会发展的规律。唯物史观理论对生产力和生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑辩证运动规律的揭示,发现了人类社会发展的历史规律,宣告了资本主义社会也仅仅是人类历史发展的一个阶段而已。剩余价值这一伟大的发现为马克思揭示资本主义生产方式的奥秘奠定了坚实的理论基础。这两大发现正式宣布了科学社会主义的诞生。科学社会主义则指明了无产阶级实现解放的道路以及人类所要实现的社会目标。科学社会主义依然处于不断的"发展"中,今天,中国特色社会主义理论就是科学社会主义在中国的成功实践。

关 键 词:空想社会主义  唯物史观  剩余价值理论  科学社会主义

Socialism from Fantasy to Science
Affiliation:,School of Marxism,Henan University
Abstract:Marx devotes his whole life to human's liberation,and creatively reveals the law of development of human society. The historical materialism theory uncovers the dialectical motion law of productive forces and productive relations,and of economic basis and superstructure,discovers the historical development law of human society,declares that the capitalist society is merely a stage of human development history. The great discovery of surplus value lays a solid theoretical foundation for Marx to reveal the secret of capitalist mode of production.These two discoveries officially announce the birth of scientific socialism. Scientific socialism indicates the road to liberation of the proletariat and the social goal to be achieved by mankind. Scientific socialism is still in constant development. Today,the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the successful practice of scientific socialism in China.
Keywords:utopian socialism  historical materialism  surplus value  scientific socialism
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