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引用本文:朱文龙,邵培基,方佳明. 社会化媒体调查与传统模式调查间的测量等同性[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2014, 34(2): 376-381. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2014)2-376
作者姓名:朱文龙  邵培基  方佳明
作者单位:电子科技大学 经济与管理学院, 成都 610054
摘    要:问卷调查已成为非常重要的实证研究方式,社会化媒体为网络调查的实施提供了新的平台. 调查者可利用该平台,采用混合调查模式来收集数据,以弥补单一调查方式样本涵盖率低的缺陷. 论文采用验证性因子分析,研究了纸笔调查、网页调查、BBS调查、微博调查以及SNS调查间的测量等同性问题. 研究结果表明:五组调查存在相同的基本测量结构及因子载荷矩阵;除纸笔调查外,其余四种平台调查还满足因子协方差矩阵等同性;而微博调查与SNS调查则更是具备截距等同性.

关 键 词:网络调查  测量等同性  社会化媒体  验证性因子分析  结构方程模型  

Measurement equivalence of surveys between social media and traditional modes
ZHU Wen-long,SHAO Pei-ji,FANG Jia-ming. Measurement equivalence of surveys between social media and traditional modes[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2014, 34(2): 376-381. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2014)2-376
Authors:ZHU Wen-long  SHAO Pei-ji  FANG Jia-ming
Affiliation:School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China
Abstract:Questionnaire survey has been a very important way for empirical research. Social media provides a new platform for implementing web surveys. Nowadays investigators can use mixed survey modes to collect data based on the social media to make up for the problem of low sample coverage in a single survey mode. By using the CFA, this paper studied the measurement equivalence among the pen-and-pencil survey, web survey, BBS survey, micro blog survey and SNS survey. The results show that these five survey methods have the same basic structure and factor loading matrix. Except for pen-and-pencil survey, the rest four survey methods meet the equivalence of factor covariance matrix. Furthermore, the micro blog survey and SNS survey have equivalence in the intercepts.
Keywords:web surveys  measurement equivalence  social media  confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)  structural equation modeling (SEM)
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