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Algorithm of Attitude Control and Its Simulation of Free-Flying Space Robot
Authors:Wang Hongpeng  Hong Bingrong  Wu Wei
Abstract:Reaction wheel or reaction thruster is employed to maintain the attitude of the base of space robot fixed in attitude control of free-flying space robot.However, in this method, a large amount of fuel will be consumed, and it will shorten the on-orbit life span of space robot, it also vibrate the system and make the system unsteady.The restricted minimum disturbance map (RMDM) based algorithm of attitude control is presented to keep the attitude of the base fixed during the movement of the manipulator.In this method it is realized by planning motion trajectory of the end-effector of manipulator without using reaction wheel or reaction thruster.In order to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm attitude control presented in this paper, computer simulation experiments have been made and the experimental results demonstrate that this algorithm is feasible.
Keywords:Free-flying space robot  Attitude control  Restricted minimum disturbance map
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