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引用本文:黄榜彪,李治. 污泥烧结页岩砖抗冻性能研究[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2016, 16(4)
作者姓名:黄榜彪  李治
作者单位:广西科技大学 土木建筑工程学院;华中科技大学 光学与电子信息学院,广西科技大学 土木建筑工程学院
基金项目:广西千亿元产业重大科技攻关项口(桂科攻11107021-3-5,桂科攻1099058);广西科技攻关项目(桂科攻12100007);柳州市科技局项目(科技攻关与新产品试制 2013J010404);广西科技厅(桂科攻 14126001-4)。通讯作者:黄榜彪(1964-),男。广西桂平人,广西科技大学教授级高级工程师,教授;E-mail:752359768@qq.com 主要研究方向为新型建筑材料。 廖天权1 张贝1 潘佳玉1祁伟伟1
摘    要:为了研究不同污泥掺量对污泥烧结页岩砖抗冻性能的影响;并且找出一种新的准确评定砌体抗冻性能的指标,对不同污泥掺量的污泥烧结页岩砖进行15次、25次、35次与50次冻融循环试验,以研究其外观质量损失、强度损失和质量损失;并使用热线法测得其冻融循环后的导热系数。通过描绘出四种不同污泥掺量下对应的质量损失率与强度损失率变化曲线,得出污泥掺量对污泥烧结页岩砖冻融破坏规律。研究结果表明,随着污泥掺量的提高,污泥烧结页岩砖的抗冻性能降低。建议根据不同地区建筑用砖的抗冻性能指标使用不同污泥掺量的污泥烧结页岩砖,同时建议把饱水状态下材料的导热系数作为砌体抗冻性能的指标之一。

关 键 词:污泥掺量  烧结页岩砖 抗冻性能  导热系数

Sludge sintered shale brick antifreeze performance study
Huang bang biao and. Sludge sintered shale brick antifreeze performance study[J]. Science Technology and Engineering, 2016, 16(4)
Authors:Huang bang biao and
Abstract:in order to study different sludge content affect the performance of sludge sintered shale brick antifreeze, and find out a new accurate evaluation of masonry antifreeze performance indicators.Sludge sintered shale brick of different sludge content 15, 25, 35 and 50 times of freeze-thaw cycle test, to study its appearance quality loss, strength loss and mass loss, and using the hotline method measured the freeze-thaw cycle after the coefficient of thermal conductivity.Through the paint under four different sludge content corresponds to the mass loss and strength loss rate curves, it is concluded that the sludge content of sludge in sintering confined shale brick freeze-thaw damage rule.The research results show that with the increase of sludge content, sludge in sintering confined shale brick antifreeze performance degradation.Suggestions according to the different parts of the building brick antifreeze performance using different sludge content of sludge in sintering confined shale brick, also suggested that the coefficient of thermal conductivity of materials under the full water as one of masonry antifreeze performance indicators.
Keywords:sewage  sludge content  Sludge sintered  shale brick  antifreeze performance  coefficient of  thermal conductivity
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