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引用本文:周政,陈浒,林丹丹,王鹏举. 梵净山常绿落叶阔叶混交林带附生苔藓螨类群落研究[J]. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 53(6): 713-721. DOI: 10.16360/j.cnki.jbnuns.2017.06.013
作者姓名:周政  陈浒  林丹丹  王鹏举
摘    要:2015年6月对梵净山常绿落叶阔叶混交林带不同海拔树干附生苔藓植物螨类进行了调查,捕获螨类3 295只,隶属3亚目71科120属,分析了螨类类群组成、个体数量、多样性、均匀度、优势度、相似性、甲螨群落MGP和捕食性螨类MI指数等群落特征.结果显示,Achipteria为优势类群,Gamasiphis、Ololaelaps等为常见类群.螨类个体数、类群数随海拔高度增加而增加.多样性、均匀性和优势度指数最大值出现在1 700、1 500和1 300m.1 500与1 700m的相似性最大.无翅坚背和有翅孔背甲螨是甲螨群落主体.MI分布由大到小为1 700、1 900、1 300、1 500 m.研究表明梵净山常绿落叶阔叶混交林带树栖螨类与树生苔藓适应良好,随海拔高度增加群落差异性越大;研究区生态条件较好,螨类在该植被类型上采取了均衡发展的适应策略.

关 键 词:螨类  树干  附生苔藓  常绿落叶阔叶混交林带

Mite community of epiphytic bryophytes in evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest of Fanjingshan
Affiliation:School of Karst Science ,Guizhou Normal University / State Engineering Technology Institute for Karst Rocky Desertification Control ,550001 ,Guiyang ,Guizhou ,China
Abstract:Mites of epiphytic bryophytes in different trunk trees of evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest in Fanjingshan were investigated in June 2015.A total of 3 295 mites were captured,which belonged to 3 suborders,71 families and 120 genera.Community characteristics such as mite composition,individual number,diversity,evenness,dominance,similarity,MGP index and predator mite MI index were analyzed.Achipteria was found to be the dominant group.Gamasiphis,Ololaelaps were common groups.With increasing altitude,mite numbers and groups also increased.Maximum values of diversity index,uniformity index and dominance index were found at 1 700 m,1 500 m and 1 300 m respectively.Community similarity decreased with increasing altitude.Gymnonota and Poronota were main oribatid mites in community composition.MI(maturity index) distribution was:1 700 m>1 90(0 m>1 300 m>1 500 m.These data indicate that tree mites are well-adapted to epiphytic bryophytes in evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest in Fanjingshan,community diversity increases with increasing altitude.With good ecological conditions in the area,mites in vegetation type took a well-balanced adaptation strategy.
Keywords:mites  trunk  epiphytic bryophytes  evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest
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