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引用本文:张彦雷,康峰峰,韩海荣,尹学哲,程小琴,李勇,周彬,刘可,孙敬军. 太岳山油松人工林冠下光环境特征与冠层结构[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 57(2): 169. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.2014.02.033
作者姓名:张彦雷  康峰峰  韩海荣  尹学哲  程小琴  李勇  周彬  刘可  孙敬军
作者单位:1.北京林业大学林学院,省部共建森林培育与保护教育部重点实验室,北京 100083; 2.山西太岳山国有林管理局马泉林场,山西 沁源 046500
基金项目:收稿日期:2013-05-31 修回日期:2013-10-16基金项目:国家林业局“948”项目(2010-4-15); 国家林业公益性行业科研专项项目(201104008) 第一作者:张彦雷,硕士生。*通信作者:韩海荣,教授。E-mail: hanhr@bjfu.edu.cn。引文格式:张彦雷,康峰峰,韩海荣,等. 太岳山油松人工林冠下光环境特征与冠层结构[J]. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2014,38(2):169-174.
摘    要:为了揭示林分冠层结构和林内光环境特征的关系,利用冠层分析仪(WinScanopy)对比分析了山西省太岳山马泉林场油松人工林(幼龄林和中龄林)冠层结构及林分光环境特征。结果表明:在林分密度逐步增大情况下,林分开度呈现下降趋势,总体分布范围为9.68%~16.20%; 叶面积指数随林分密度的增大相应增加,总体分布范围为2.000~3.784。林分冠上总辐射分布范围为25.37~29.10 MJ/(m2·d),林下总辐射为4.22~11.07 MJ/(m2·d)。林下总辐射随林分密度的增大而降低,表明林分对光辐射的截获能力随之增强。幼龄林消光系数为0.27,中龄林消光系数为0.59,中龄林林分消光能力大于幼龄林林分。林下直射是林下总辐射的主要组成部分。

Measurement and analysis on understory light environment and canopy structure of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation in the Taiyue Mountain
Abstract:In this paper, the understory light characters were measured and analyzed in Pinus tabulaeformis plantation(juvenile and mid-aged stands)with WinScanopy instrument in Mt. Taiyue, Shanxi province, China. The relationship between canopy structure and light characters were also analyzed. The results indicated that stand openness(9.68%-16.20%)decreased, whereas the LAI in the stand(2.000-3.784)increased with stand density increasing. The total PPFD above canopy ranged from 25.37 to 29.10 MJ/(m2·d)in P. tabulaeformis plantation. And the total PPFD under canopy deceased with the stand density ranged from 4.22 to 11.07 MJ/(m2·d). The light extinction ratio enlarged with the stand density increasing. And the light extinction coefficient of mid-aged stand(0.59)was stronger than that in the juvenile stand(0.27). The direct PPFD was the main component of total PPFD under canopy.
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