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Hybrid partheno-genetic algorithm and its application in flow-shop problem
引用本文:李树刚,吴智铭,庞小红. Hybrid partheno-genetic algorithm and its application in flow-shop problem[J]. 系统工程与电子技术(英文版), 2004, 15(1)
作者姓名:李树刚  吴智铭  庞小红
基金项目:ThisprojectwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (70 0 710 17,5 98895 0 5 )
摘    要:1 .INTRODUCTIONSincegeneticalgorithmwasproposedin 1975byHol land ,ithasbeenappliedinmanyfieldsbecauseofitseffectiveness .Butthetraditionalgeneticalgorithmalsohassomeshortcomings .Forexample ,sometimesitmayproducesaviolatingoffspringinthecrossoveroperation…

Hybrid partheno-genetic algorithm and its application in flow-shop problem
Abstract:In order to solve the constraint satisfied problem in the genetic algorithm, the partheno-genetic algorithm is designed. And then the schema theorem of the partheno-genetic algorithm is proposed to show that the high rank schemas at the subsequent generation decrease exponentially even though its fitness is more optimal than the average one in the population and the low rank schemas at the subsequent generation increase exponentially when its fitness is more optimal than the average one in the population. In order to overcome the shortcoming that the optimal high rank schema can be deserted arbitrarily, the HGA (hybrid partheno-genetic algorithm) is proposed, that is, the hill-climbing algorithm is integrated to search for a better individual. Finally, the results of the simulation for facility layout problem and no-wait schedule problem are given. It is shown that the hybrid partheno- genetic algorithm is of high efficiency.
Keywords:partheno-genetic algorithm   hill climbing algorithm   flow -shop   no-wait
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