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SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of granulites at Rimana (Southern Tibet) in the central segment of Himalayan Orogen
引用本文:LI Dewei1,LIAO Qunan1,YUAN Yanming1,WAN Yusheng2,LIU Demin1,ZHANG Xionghua1,YI Shunhua1,CAO Shuzhao1 & XIE Defan1 1. Faculty of Earth Sciences,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China, 2. Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geosciences,Beijing 130073,China Correspondence should be addressed to Li Dewei (e-mail: dewei89@ sina.com). SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of granulites at Rimana (Southern Tibet) in the central segment of Himalayan Orogen[J]. 科学通报(英文版), 2003, 48(23): 2647-2650. DOI: 10.1360/03wd0080
作者姓名:LI Dewei1  LIAO Qunan1  YUAN Yanming1  WAN Yusheng2  LIU Demin1  ZHANG Xionghua1  YI Shunhua1  CAO Shuzhao1 & XIE Defan1 1. Faculty of Earth Sciences  China University of Geosciences  Wuhan 430074  China   2. Institute of Geology  Chinese Academy of Geosciences  Beijing 130073  China Correspondence should be addressed to Li Dewei (e-mail: dewei89@ sina.com)
作者单位:Li Dewei,LIAO Qunan,YUAN Yanming,Liu Demin,Zhang Xionghua,YI Shunhua,CAO Shuzhao,Xie Defan(Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China);WAN Yusheng(Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geosciences, Beijing 130073, China) 
摘    要:TheCenozoicHimalayanorogenisimportantinun-derstandingcontinentaldynamicprocesses.Lowercrustal,high-grademetamorphicrockshaverecentlybeendiscov-eredinNamcheBarwaandParmir,i.e.therespectivere-gionsofeasternandwesternsyntaxisoftheorogen[1—4].Eclogitesthatunderwentgranulite-faciesmetamorphismhaverecentlybeenreportedintheCadaareatotheeastofMountEverestinthecentralsegmentoftheHimalayanorogen[5].WiththehelpofthegeologicalsurveyofDing-gyeCountyandChentangSheets(scale1︰250000),high-pressuremafic…

关 键 词:锆石 地球年代学 麻粒岩 西藏 喜玛拉雅山脉 大陆运动

SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of granulites at Rimana (Southern Tibet) in the central segment of Himalayan orogen
Li,Dewei,Liao,Qunan,Yuan,Yanming,Wan,Yusheng,Liu,Demin,Zhang,Xionghua,Yi,Shunhua,Cao,Shuzhao,Xie,Defan. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of granulites at Rimana (Southern Tibet) in the central segment of Himalayan orogen[J]. Chinese science bulletin, 2003, 48(23): 2647-2650. DOI: 10.1360/03wd0080
Authors:Li  Dewei  Liao  Qunan  Yuan  Yanming  Wan  Yusheng  Liu  Demin  Zhang  Xionghua  Yi  Shunhua  Cao  Shuzhao  Xie  Defan
Affiliation:e-mail: dewei89@ sina.com
Abstract:High-pressure mafic granulites, occurring as lenses within gneisses and quartzite in the central segment of the Himalayan orogen, were dated using SHRIMP U-Pb technique. 13 analyses out of a total of 15 are plotted along a concordia line and yield a mean 206Pb/238U age of 17.6 0.3 Ma. This age indicates adiabatic decompression and a metamorphic event associated with rapid uplift of granulites in a tectonic environment resulted from the collision between India and Eurasia, synchronous with large-scale thrusting, extension, detachment as well as emplacement of leu-cogranite. One analysis gives a 206Pb/238U age of 29.5 0.4 Ma that is interpreted to represent the timing of the final closure of the Neo-Tethys. Another age is 1991 26 Ma that represents the age of the protolith of the granulites. In sum-mary, dating results show that granulites in this area under-went multiphase metamorphism and complex geological evolution.
Keywords:granulite   U-Pb dating   Late-Cenozoic   the Himalayas.
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