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引用本文:刘彦琪,苏荣誊. 青铜甬钟修复技术研究[J]. 科技导报(北京), 2010, 28(12): 26-31
作者姓名:刘彦琪  苏荣誊
作者单位:中国科学院自然科学史研究所,北京 100010
摘    要:传统的青铜器修复对于缺失部位的补配,一般采取铸造补配件后再将其焊接在器物上的方法,焊接方法往往会对文物造成新的损伤,而且其中使用的氯化锌钎剂中含有大量的氯离子,对青铜文物的长期保存带来不利影响,不符合现代修复理念要求。现代的西方修复往往使用黏接剂将环氧树脂制成的补配件粘接在器物的缺失部位,此种方法虽能满足现代文物修复原则要求,但由于环氧树脂韧性差,所修复文物的补配部位达不到较高的强度和耐久度。本文在遵循文物保护基本原则的前提下,对现有文物修复技术进行创新改进,提出了针对残缺青铜甬钟的新型修复工艺方法——利用失蜡铸造工艺,将补配件的制造和安装同时完成。修复结果表明,新型修复工艺方法替代传统的修复工艺是切实可行的,具有很好的修复效果。

关 键 词:青铜器修复  失蜡法  修复技术

Restoration Technology for Bronze Yong Zhong
Abstract:The restoration of Chinese bronzes has a long history and tradition, and is characterized by its own system. Recently, the modern western restoration technologies for culture relics from Europe become to be introduced into China, which are different from the traditional Chinese restoration method. There is much to be studied. Make a foundry part and solder it on the bronze for the missed part is the traditional way of restoration for an incomplete ancient bronze. This method would cause a new damage in the culture relics, and the soldering acid contains Cl-, which is harmful to the conservation of ancient bronze These two aspects do not conform with the conservation principle of culture relics. On the other hand, make a resin fitting and stick it on the bronze is a modern western way of restoration for an incomplete ancient bronze. This method conforms with the conservation principle of culture relics, but the resin fitting is easily destroyed and it is not durable. In this paper, based on the essential principle of conservation of cultural relics, a new type of restoration method for incomplete bronze Yong Zhong is developed by improving the available restoration technology, which takes advantage of the lost-wax method to implement the making and installing of the fitting at the same time. The results of this new restoration technology show that this method can replace the traditional one, to have a satisfactory effect.
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