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引用本文:黄翀,谭跃虎,袁恒丰,黄坤. 一种改进的水泥土支护结构抗倾覆验算方法[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 4(2): 60-62
作者姓名:黄翀  谭跃虎  袁恒丰  黄坤
摘    要:对传统的水泥土支护结构抗倾覆稳定系数的计算方法进行了分析,指出其存在的缺陷,并从结构设计角度出发,按照极限状态的原理推导出一种改进的水泥土支护结构抗倾覆稳定系数的计算方法。克服了传统方法抗倾覆稳定安全系数会随着结构入土深度的增大反而减小的缺陷,因而能很好地反映水泥土支护结构抗倾覆的机理。

关 键 词:抗倾覆稳定系数  水泥土挡墙  计算方法

A Modified Calculation Method of Stability Coefficient of Resisting Capsizingto Cement Soil Supporting Structure
HUANG Chong,TAN Yue hu,YUAN Heng feng and HUANG Kun. A Modified Calculation Method of Stability Coefficient of Resisting Capsizingto Cement Soil Supporting Structure[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2003, 4(2): 60-62
Authors:HUANG Chong  TAN Yue hu  YUAN Heng feng  HUANG Kun
Affiliation:Engineering Institute of Engineering Corps, PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Nanjing 210007, China;Engineering Institute of Engineering Corps, PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Nanjing 210007, China;Taizhou Taihua Construction and Installation Co. Ltd., Taizhou 225316, China;Institute of Meteorology, PLA Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Nanjing 211101, China
Abstract:In this paper, the conventional calculation method of stability coefficient of resisting capsizing to cement soil supporting structure is analyzed and some defects are indicated. From the point of structure design, a new reasonable calculation method of stability coefficient of resisting capsizing is put forward based on the principle of terminal state. It solves the problem that traditional safty factor will deminish along with the augment of the structural depth in the dust, thus it can reflect the mechanism of resisting capsizing to cement soil supporting structure well.
Keywords:stability coefficient of resisting capsizing  cement soil wall  calculation method  
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