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引用本文:任竹梅. 五倍子蚜与寄主植物DNA序列系统发育关系及其协同进化[J]. 山西大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 32(4)
摘    要:五倍子蚜特指寄生在漆树科盐肤木属几种植物上形成五倍子虫瘿的一类蚜虫.本研究采用PCR直接测序方法测定了五倍子蚜10个种共19个样本的mtDNA COI基因部分DNA序列(660 bp),从GenBank下载瘿绵蚜科Pemphigidae瘿绵蚜属Pemphigus、卷叶绵蚜属Prociphilus和棉蚜属Eriosoma及纩蚜科Mindaridae纩蚜属Min-darus种相应基因序列为外类群,构建五倍子蚜种之间的MP和ML分子系统发育关系,两种方法得到一致的结果.五倍子蚜10个种共形成3个大的聚类簇,圆角倍蚜属的红倍花蚜和倍花蚜、铁倍蚜属的4个种(亚种)分别以很高的置信度聚为一支,铁倍花蚜属的铁倍花蚜、小铁枣蚜属的红小铁枣蚜与倍蚜属的角倍蚜和倍蛋蚜聚为一支,但是其置信度较低.同时,采用生物信息学方法从GenBank下载五倍子蚜第一寄主盐肤木属Rhus植物cpDNATrnL-F区序列(980 bp),建立寄主植物种之间的MP和ML系统发育关系,与角倍蚜系统发育关系进行比较分析,结果显示二者之间明显的协同进化关系,但是五倍子蚜的聚类并没有完全和寄主植物之间形成一对一的平行对应关系.

关 键 词:五倍子蚜  寄主植物  DNA序列  系统发育  协同进化

Molecular Phylogeny and Coevolution of Chinese Gallnut Aphid and Its Host-plant Inferred from DNA Sequences
Abstract:In this study, the 660 bp DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase I gene (COI) from 19 individuals of ten Chinese gallnut aphid species were obtained using PCR method. The correspond-ing COI sequences of the genus Pemphigus,Prociphilus and Eriosorna species from the family Pemphigi-dae and Mindarus from the family Mindaridae were downloaded from GenBank as the outgroups to con-struct the phylogenetic trees. The maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) analysis showed the similar topology. The results showed that the ten Chinese gallnut aphid species formed three clades, which include (Ⅰ) four species (Subspecies) of Kaburagia ; (Ⅱ) F. meitanensis from the Genus Flo-raphis,M, elongallis from the Genus Meitanaphis and two species S. chinensis and S. peitan from the Ge-nus Schlechtendalia;(Ⅲ) two species from the Genus Nurudea. In particular,the monophyly of Kabura-gia and Nurudea were strongly supported, respectively. In addition, the sequences of the cpDNA TrnL-F region of host-plant Rhus species and the relative species were downloaded from GenBank to construct the phylogenetic trees to examine the coevolutionary relationship between the Chinese gallnut aphid and its host-plant. The corresponding comparison of their phylogenetic trees showed the evident coevolution be-tween the two species. However,a one-to-one correspondence was not appeared between clustering of chi-nese gallnut aphid and host-plant.
Keywords:Chinese gallnut aphid  host-plant  DNA sequence  phylogeny  coevolution
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