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引用本文:陈云鹤,朱应欣,宋刚,张云峰. 运河桥梁浮式防船撞设施的模拟计算[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 10(6): 559-564
作者姓名:陈云鹤  朱应欣  宋刚  张云峰
摘    要:为了避免船舶与桥墩的直接碰撞,达到既保护桥墩安全又保护船舶安全的目的,根据苏南运河桥梁防撞设计的特殊要求,利用船和防撞设施碰撞中走锚、浮体移动和锚链拉伸过程来消耗船舶动能的柔性浮式防撞原理,提出了桥墩防船撞设施方案;基于有限元分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,建立了一艘1000 t级货船与防撞设施的碰撞模型,分析了撞击力、能量转换的特点和规律,并与船舶和桥墩直接碰撞的结果作比较,研究了浮式防船撞设施的工作效能.结果表明,浮式防船撞设施能够满足桥墩防撞要求,可为运河桥梁防撞设计提供参考.

关 键 词:京杭运河  桥梁  船舶  撞击力  防撞设施

Smi ulat ion calculation o f floating-fac ility for ant i-co llis ionbetween ship and br idge over cana l
CHENG Yun-he,ZHU Ying-xin,SONG Gang and ZHANG Yun-feng. Smi ulat ion calculation o f floating-fac ility for ant i-co llis ionbetween ship and br idge over cana l[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2009, 10(6): 559-564
Authors:CHENG Yun-he  ZHU Ying-xin  SONG Gang  ZHANG Yun-feng
Affiliation:Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers,PLA Univ.of Sci.& Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China;Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers,PLA Univ.of Sci.& Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China;hejiang Zhoushan Da-lu-lian-dao Project Expressway Co.,LTD.,Zhoushan 316000,China;Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers,PLA Univ.of Sci.& Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China
Abstract:To avo id d irect co llision be tw een the sh ip and the pie r and to ensu re the secur ity o f bo th the sh ipand the p ier, a schem e o f the an ti-co llision facility betw een the sh ip and the bridge w as in t rodu ced acco rdingto the specia l requ irem en ts o f an ti-co llision design o f Sunan C ana l br idge based on the theo ry o f dep le tingk inet ic energy o f sh ip du ring ancho rsm o vem en t, the f loa ting-body m obile and the cab les pu ll ex tenso rp ro cess. A lso, depend ing o n the f inite e lem en t ana ly sis so f tw a reAN SYS /LS-DYNA, a co llision m odel o fa class 1000t carg o and the an ti-co llision facility w ere set up to ana ly ze the im pact fo rce, the character ist icsand the law o f ene rgy conve rsion in d irect co llision be tw een the sh ip and the an ti-co llision facility. T he result w as com pared w ith tha t o f the co llision be tw een sh ip and p ier to study the perfo rm ance o f the f loa tingan t i-co llisio n facility. T h e study show s tha t the an t i-co llision f lo at ing facility m eet s the ant i-co llision requirem ent s o f the pie r, w h ich m ay pro v ide a reference fo r an t i-co llision design o f b ridg es ov er Jing-H angG rand cana l
Keywords:Jing-H ang g rand canal   b ridg e   sh ip   impact fo rce   an t i-co llisio n facility
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