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作者姓名:金伟新  肖田元
作者单位:1. 国防大学信息作战与指挥训练教研部,北京100091;
2. 清华大学自动化系,北京100084;
摘    要:以复杂系统理论为指导,采用还原论与整体论相结合的研究方法,基于复杂网络拓扑结构、多Agent理论与计算机仿真技术对信息化战争体系对抗作战行为演化的微观作用机制与宏观涌现现象复杂行为机理进行探索性研究,提出基于复杂网络的信息化战争体系对抗建模与仿真的技术路线,建立基于复杂网络与多Agent理论的信息化战争体系对抗仿真模型,分析信息化战争体系对抗建模与仿真的关键技术,探讨信息化战争体系对抗仿真建模的主要方法,并就基于复杂系统理论的信息化战争体系对抗建模与仿真的发展前景进行了展望。
The micro-interactions and macro-emergence mechanism of evolutive behavior on the combat System of Systems (SoS) created for Net-Centric Operations (NCO) was researched on the guidance of system complexity theory,complexity science and Complex System Theory (CST),combining Reductionism with Holism,on basis of complex network modeling,multi-agent and computer simulation technology.Then,the technical scheme of Simulation of the SoS vs.the SoS of the Net-Centric Operations (MSSNCO) was put forward,which included constructing simulation models for the SoS vs.SoS of NCO on the basis of Complex Network (CN) and Multi-Agent theory.Successively,the key technique of MSSNCO was summarized;at the same time,the major modeling methods of MSSNCO were analyzed.Lastly,development tendency of CN-based MSSNCO was prospected.

关 键 词:信息化战争  复杂网络  复杂系统  多Agent  体系对抗  建模与仿真
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