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作者姓名:王超  宋莉莉  李群  王维平
作者单位:1. 国防科技大学信息系统与管理学院系统工程系,长沙410073;
2. 广州军区武汉总医院信息科,武汉430070;
摘    要:为了提高SMP2模型在分布式环境下的互操作与可组合性,提出了基于模型驱动架构的分布并行SMP2仿真体系结构。针对分布式环境模型组合的特点,提出了基于代理的SMP2仿真模型分布式组合方法。针对在分布式环境下进行模型调度的两个问题,提出了基于时间管理器和消息管理器的仿真模型分布式并行调度方法。设计实现了原型系统,包括基于空消息的异步仿真协议时间管理器、基于WebService的消息管理器、仿真控制管理器和仿真应用客户端。最后并以导航系统DOP分析仿真为例,验证了方法的可行性,并讨论了下一步研究方向。
To enhance the interoperability and composability of the Simulation Model Portability Standard 2 (SMP2) in distributed environment, a simulation architecture based on Service-Oreinted Architecture (SOA) was promoted. To satisfy the composition and schedule requirment under destributed environment, a proxy-based model composition method and a model schedule method based on time manager and message manager were studied. A prototype system was designed and implemented, including CMB-based time manager, web-service-based message manager, simulation control manager and simulation client. Finally, an application of Navigation System DOP analysis simulation demonstrates the validity and feasibility of the method.

关 键 词:模型可移植性规范  面向服务架构  分布式仿真  并行仿真
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