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Introduction of antisense waxy gene into main parent lines of indica hybrid rice
Authors:CHEN Xiuhua  LIU Qiaoquan  WANG Zongyang  WANG Xingwen  CAI Xiuling  ZHANG Jingliu  GU Minghong
Abstract:Amylose content in rice endosperm is one of thekey determinants of rice eating and cooking quality, and thepoor quality of indica hybrid rice is closely related to thehigh amylose level in rice grains. In order to improve thegrain quality of the indica hybrid rice by genetic engineering,an antisense fragment of rice waxy gene, driven by theintroduced into three major parent lines of indica hybrid rice,all contain a high amylose level in the grains, via Agrobacte-rium, and more than 100 hygromycin-resistant plants wereregenerated. The analysis of PCR amplification and South-ern blots indicated that the T-DNA containing the antisensewaxy gene had been integrated into the genome of transgenicrice plants. Most of the primary transgenic rice plants grewnormally, and the mature seeds from these transgenic plantswere performed for analysis of the amylose content. Theresults showed that the amylose content in the endosperm ofsome grains was reduced and the lowest reached 7.02% inone homozygous transgenic line, 72.4% lower than that ofthe wild type. The influence of the altered amylose contenton the gelatinization temperature and gel consistency wasalso observed in several homozygous transgenic rice plants.
Keywords:transgenic rice  indica rice  maintain line  antisense waxygene  amylose content
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