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引用本文:李甍娜,郭进利,卞闻,常宁戈,肖潇,陆睿敏. 网络视角下的唐诗[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2017, 0(4): 66-71. DOI: 10.13306/j.1672-3813.2017.04.007
作者姓名:李甍娜  郭进利  卞闻  常宁戈  肖潇  陆睿敏
摘    要:以唐诗韵脚的韵母为桥梁,以762首唐诗为节点,24种韵母为超边建立了唐诗超网络。研究发现唐诗超网络的超度分布具有无标度特性,并且表现出很高的聚集特性和异配性。为进一步研究唐诗韵脚韵母之间的关系,针对韵脚只出现两种韵母的唐诗,以韵母为节点建立了韵母加权复杂网络。研究发现韵母eng和ing,韵母ou和iu往往会同时出现在同一首诗的韵脚中。另外,韵母i和韵母eng在唐诗转韵过程中有着重要作用。

Tang Poetry from the Perspective of Network
Abstract:This paper took the vowels in pinyin as a bridge,and established the Tang poetry hypernetwork based on 762 nodes of Tang poetry and 24 hyperedges of vowels.Results of theoretical analysis show that hyperdegree distribution exhibit the scale-free property,and Tang poetry hypernetwork exhibits high clustered property and heterogeneity.In addition,for the Tang poetry that rhyme only includes two vowels,this paper built weighted complex network of vowel to further study the relationship between the vowels.It is found that the vowels'eng'and'ing',and the vowels'ou'and'iu'tend to appear at the same poem.The vowels'i'and'eng'play an important role in rhyme of Tang poetry.
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