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引用本文:闫晓鹏,栗苹,杨倩. 伪码激光引信抗干扰性能的蒙特卡洛仿真研究[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2008, 20(20): 5691-5694
作者姓名:闫晓鹏  栗苹  杨倩
摘    要:对基于伪随机码的脉冲激光引信的抗干扰性能进行了仿真研究.建立伪随机码激光引信的作用距离方程模型基础上,从伪随机码的自相关特性出发,分析了伪随机码激光引信的抗干扰性能.结合激光引信特点建立了脉冲体制激光引信的虚警概率和探测概率模型,分别对基于周期脉冲激光引信和伪随机码脉冲激光引信的探测概率和虚警概率进行了蒙特卡洛计算方法的统计模拟数值仿真.仿真表明,伪随机码脉冲激光引信具有很强的抗干扰性能.

关 键 词:蒙特卡洛仿真  激光引信  伪随机码  抗干扰

Monte Carlo Simulation on Interference Resistance of Pulsed Laser Fuze Using Pseudorandom Code
YAN Xiao-peng,LI Ping,YANG Qian. Monte Carlo Simulation on Interference Resistance of Pulsed Laser Fuze Using Pseudorandom Code[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2008, 20(20): 5691-5694
Authors:YAN Xiao-peng  LI Ping  YANG Qian
Abstract:The Monte Carlo simulation focuses on the interference resistance of pulsed laser fuze based on pseudorandom code. Considering the self-coherence of the pseudorandom code,a distance model was established to analyze the interference resistance of pulsed laser fuze based on pseudorandom code. And in order to compute the probability of detection and false alarm separately,a statistic numerical simulation model based on Monte Carlo algorithm was established for laser fuze based on periodic pulse as well as that based on pseudorandom code. The simulation shows the pulsed laser fuze based on pseudorandom code has a high resistance to interference.
Keywords:Monte Carlo simulation  laser fuze  pseudorandom code  interference resistance
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