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The Role of Computational Intelligence in Sensory Evaluation
引用本文:阮达. The Role of Computational Intelligence in Sensory Evaluation[J]. 东华大学学报(英文版), 2004, 21(3)
作者单位:The Belgian
摘    要:IntroductionComputationalintelligence(CI)isthestudyofthedesignofintelligentagents.Thedifferencebetweentraditionalartificialintelligence(AI)andCIisthatAIisbasedonconventionalhardcomputingwhereasCIisbasedonsoftcomputing(SC).Ineffect,therolemodelforsoftcomputingisthehumanmind.Theguidingprincipleofsoftcomputingis:exploitthetoleranceforimprecision,uncertaintyandpartialtruthtoachievetractability,robustnessandlowsolutioncost.Softcomputinghasrecentlybecomeahottopiconconferencesandinliterature.As…

The Role of Computational Intelligence in Sensory Evaluation
Ruan Da The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre. The Role of Computational Intelligence in Sensory Evaluation[J]. Journal of Donghua University, 2004, 21(3)
Authors:Ruan Da The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Affiliation:The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK. CEN), Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium
Abstract:Sensory evaluation is the evaluation of signals that a human receives via its senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. In today's industrial companies, sensory evaluation is widely used in quality inspection of products, in marketing study and in many other fields such as risk evaluation, investment evaluation and safety evaluation. In practice, setting up a suitable mathematical formulation, an efficient working procedure and a pertinent computing method for sensory evaluation is quite difficult because of uncertainty and imprecision in sensory panels and their results involving linguistic expressions, non normalized data, data reliability, etc. At the present a prime problem of the practitioner is not the lack of useful methods but the lack of transparency in this area. In this tutorial lecture, we briefly describe some of the technology in the computational intelligence (CI) areas that has been developed for application to sensory evaluation and related fields. Moreover, we will illustrate the role of CI in sensory evaluation related applications from some recent publications.
Keywords:computational intelligence   fuzzy logic   neural networks   genetic algorithms   intelligent hybrid systems   sensory evaluation
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