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摘    要:北宋文学家晁补之在党同伐异、勾心斗角的新旧党争中,虽身历不虞之祸,贬黜迭起、厄运踵至,但他都是涅而不缁,绝不慕势希荣、屈意颂扬,谄媚权贵以干进。由于极度异化的政治生态,晁补之尽管满腹经纶,为政有方,然终其一生都未能施展雄才,最终只落得个赍志以没的悲剧命运。晁补之在北宋党争的污泥浊水之中临大节而不夺,耿介刚直,爱国忧民,为当时腐朽黑暗的官场树立了一个清正廉洁的士大夫的崇高形象。

关 键 词:晁补之  党争  贬谪

The Study on Chao- Buzhi Lied on Partisan Battle in Song Dynasty
Institution:YUE Zhen - guo (Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu 610041 ,China)
Abstract:As the famous litterateur in the period of Song Dynasty, Chao - Buzhi had lied on the severe and atrocious partisan battle, which had made him suffered pain and setback. However, he had never lost heart, at the same time, he had never flattered any influential officials. Because of sharp contradiction, Chao - Buzhi could not realized his aspirations in life, and had born the tragic ending. The character and morals of Chao - Buzhi hae embodied noble image of literati and officialdom in feudal society.
Keywords:Chao - Buzhi  partisan battle  relegation
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