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Investigations into the perplexing interrelationship of the Genus Takifugu Abe, 1949 (Tetraodontiformes, Tetraodontidae)
Abstract:The phylogenetic relationships within the genus Takifugu Abe, 1949 (Tetraodontiformes, Tetraodonti- dae) remain unresolved. Because of the use of Takifugu as model organisms, the resolution of these relationships is crucial for the interpretation of evolutionary trends in biology. Pufferfishes of this ge- nus are comprised of a comparatively small number of species and are mainly distributed along the coastal region of the western part of the Sea of Japan and the coastline of China. Mitochondrial gene sequences were employed to test the phylogenetic hypotheses within the genus. Seventeen species of the genus were examined. Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using the maximum parsi- mony, neighbor-joining, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Our hypothesis of internal relationships within the genus differs from previous hypotheses. Our results indicate that (1) the genus Takifugu is a monophyletic assemblage; (2) the genus is divided into 6 subgroups based on the mo- lecular data; and (3) there is low genetic diversity among the species within this genus. In addition, speciation within Takifugu appears to be driven by hybridization and isolation by distribution. Our re- sults also suggested that the taxonomy in the genus should be clarified based on both molecular and morphological data.
Keywords:phylogeny   cytochrome b gene   12S rRNA gene   Takifugu Abe
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