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摘    要:晁补之不仅以词名世,而且也善于著文,所著《鸡肋集》现存文章六百九十三篇,其中多有脍炙人口、广为传颂的名篇佳构.晁文对军国政事的精辟见解和对文化艺术的深刻阐述常使人击节赞叹、拍案称奇,晁补之转益多师的治学态度和不袭蹈因循的创新精神使其文章立意新颖、别具一格.晁补之充沛的感情、超逸的气度和非凡的笔力使其文章呈现出波澜壮阔、雄健豪放的特点,丰厚的学养和深邃的识见赋予文章浑厚的思想内涵和迷人的艺术魅力.

关 键 词:晁补之  文章  风格

The study on Chao Buzhi's articles
Institution:YUE Zhen - guo (Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu 610041 China)
Abstract:As a famous writer, Chao Buzhi was not only good at poetry, but also expert in article. His collected works had contained three hundred and ninety articles, the majority of which had won universal praise and was widely shared. His articles contained brilliant original insights about military and political affairs and profound explanation about culture and arts, which won admiration for him. His attitude about learning from many teachers and innovative spirit made his articles unique. In short, the vigor of the emotion, the extraor- dinary magnanimity and outstanding writing had made the articles of Chao - Buzhi present distinctive feature, such as magnificent con- tent, bold style, rhetorical flourishes, profound insight and so on.
Keywords:Chao - Buzhi  articles  style
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