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摘    要:在中共十七大胜利闭幕的初冬时节,《西南石油大学学报》第29卷的编辑工作也进入了尾声。盘点2007年,在学校领导的大力支持下,在审稿专家、广大作者、读者的关心爱护中,全体编辑(务)人员努力组稿、精心编辑,全年共出版正刊6期、增刊2期,发表论文346篇。在本卷,第1期以突出报道“罗家寨”这一重要科技事件的深层次内容,向全世界关心“罗家寨”的读者集中展现我国石油勘探开发科学研究的进展;第2~5期分别从“天然气注气与开发”、“石油机械工程”、“碳酸盐岩研究”以及“提高采收率”等学科向读者奉献各方向的学术思想、研究特色新进展,并揭示我校的研究现状;第6期我刊有幸邀请到中国科学院院士刘宝珺先生撰稿,刘院士以翔实的数据、锐利的笔触论述了“水资源的现状、利用与保护”,并从“可持续发展和保护生态环境”角度印证了“推动科学发展,促进社会和谐”这一主题。在本卷,较大幅度地提高了论文的刊出量,以回馈作者与读者对本刊的厚爱与信任,第29卷载文量提升了108.4%;实现了全彩色印刷,为完整体现论文的学术思想和科技成果水平,突出刊物的权威性和影响力打下了基础;实行了网络办刊(网址http://www.swpuxb.com),为加快学报传播速度,拓宽刊物传播范围迈出了坚实的一步;“封面人物”逐步把石油、天然气科技前沿的院士、专家、学者汇聚,以进一步扩大学报影响力。质量是期刊的生命,为进一步提高期刊质量,从本卷第5期起,我刊参加了由中国期刊协会发起的“期刊编校无差错承诺活动”,以切实有效的措施确保期刊质量的大提高。在本卷,我们继续保持了“石油与天然气工程”、“地质勘探”、“石油化学工程与化工”等特色栏目。增设了“专家论坛”,创办了“博导论评”,开辟了“探讨与争鸣”。在本卷,基金资助论文比占60.5%,其中国家级基金资助论文为45.7%。本卷继续被EI、PA、CA、CSA/ASFA、AJ、CPA等国内外大型数据库收录。比照卷首的愿望,回首一年来的历程,在“紧扣时代脉搏、推动社会进步、展示学校特色”三方面,我们只能说迈出了一小步。我们深知,学报是我校重要的知识输出单元,要办好学报,还有更宽的领域、更长的里程、更多的工作需要大家共同去努力。在新的一年即将到来之际,我们编辑部的全体工作人员谨向各位读者、作者、审稿专家、编委、印刷厂全体人员、邮局的同志以及关心、支持、爱护本刊的各界朋友致以衷心感谢,祝大家身体健康!万事如意!

Volume End
Abstract:In this early winter, when the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China closed, the VOL 29 of the “JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PERTOLEUM UNIVERSITY” has been working into the end. Reviewing the 2007,under the strong support of the school leadership,the concerning of the expert reviewer, authors and readers, our journal has been published 6 No., 2 supplements and 346 papers.In this volume,No.1 highlighted “Luojiazhai” technology events,showing china petroleum exploration and development research to the authors and the world; No.2 to No.5 introduced the academic thought and development characteristics of “natural gas injection and development”,“petroleum machinery engineering”,“carbonatite study”,“enhanced oil recovery” and other disciplines,revealing our school's research;the journal fortunate enough to invite academician Liu Bao-jun contributing in NO.6,he insists scientific development idea should be put forward to solve the problems of the resource and environment in social development, especially, the water resource and water environment. The reasonable proposals and countermeasures regarding water resource will play a positive role in reasonable utilization and protection of water resource in China.The amount of publication greatly increased this year. In order to feedback writers and authors, the amount of papers have been increased 108.4 percent;achieved color printing which highlights the journal’s authority and influence; publication by the internet(http://www. swpuxb.com)have speeded up the dissemination of the journal,widened the scope of the dissemination;“Cover Person Introduction” gather the academicians,experts and scholars who is on the frontier science and technology of oil and gas.The quality of the journal is the life of the journal. In order to improve the quality , the journal took part in the activity of “journals proofreading no error commitment”since vol.29 No.5 which is auspice by China Periodicals Association.This volume maintains the characteristics,such as “OIL AND GAS ENGINEERING”, “GEOLOGY EXPLORATION”, “OIL AND GAS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING”, adds “EXPERT FORUM”, sets up “PROBE AND CONTENDS”.In this volume,60.5 percent of the papers are fund assisted theses,with 45.7 percent was national fund assistance.JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PERTOLEUM UNIVERSITY have been cited by domestic and foreign well-known database,such as EI,PA,CA,CSA/ASFA,AJ,CPA,CSCD and so on for the past year.Looking back the aspirations at the beginning of this volume, we have a small step forward on the road of “keep pace with times,promote social progress and exhibit school characteristics ”. We are well aware that JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY is knowledge unit output,for running well the journal,we should spare no effort on wider fields,longer journey and more work.The new year soon arrives,at this time the entire staff of the editorial department sincerely extend our heartfelt acknowledgement to all the readers, authors, expert reviewers, editorial board, general staff of printing house and post office. Wish you good health!Good luck!
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