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引用本文:杨新芳 蔡柏岐. 中国豹蛛属雾豹蛛组研究及一新种再记述(蜘蛛目:狼蛛科)[J]. 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 1998, 26(4): 60-64
作者姓名:杨新芳 蔡柏岐
摘    要:雾豹蛛组GroupNebulosa是狼蛛科Lycosidae,豹蛛属Pardosa的分组.本文描述该组5种豹蛛,包括1新种记述,侧重在有鉴别价值的生殖器管,尤其是雄性生殖球的中突me-dianapophysis.1.大别豹蛛P.dabiensisChaietYangsp.nov.*2.查普林豹蛛P.chapini(Fox,1935),3.东方豹蛛P.oriens(Chanberlin,1924),4.苏门答腊豹蛛P.somatrana(Therel,1892),5.雾豹蛛P.nebulosa(Therel,1872).

关 键 词:蜘蛛目;狼蛛科;豹蛛属;雾豹蛛组;新种

A Stady on Five Wolf Spiders of the Group Pardosa Nebulesa from China Including A New Species Rediscribetion(Araneae: Lycosidae)
Yang Xinfang Chai Beqi. A Stady on Five Wolf Spiders of the Group Pardosa Nebulesa from China Including A New Species Rediscribetion(Araneae: Lycosidae)[J]. Journal of Henan Normal University(Natural Science), 1998, 26(4): 60-64
Authors:Yang Xinfang Chai Beqi
Abstract:The present paper describes five wolf spiders of Group Pardosa nebolos, showing the importance organ of female epigynum and median apophsis of male tarsul as adegnostic character and including a new species it published at 1996 are rediscribetion Pardosa dabiesis Chai et Yang, sp. nov.(fig. 1,a,b,c,d,e,f,g) Holotype♀,allotype,paratypes3♀♀,3,collected from Xingyang Dabieshan Mountain (31°50N,114°10E)Henan Province July 1984,1993,All type specimen are deposited in the Department of Biology, Henan Normal University. Length of female 9.5-12.0 mm,Carapace gray brown with dark brown pattern. Anterior row of eyes straight or slightly procurued from front, shorter than second row.AME larger than ALE in size, width of clypeus more 2 time diameter of size. Abdomen black brown with gray markings dorsally, legs gray with dark annulations. Length of male 8.9-9.5 mm,similar to females structually. The new species is relatel to P. chapini (Fox. 1935),but differs of epigynum and median apophysis. Pardosa chapini (Fox. 1935)(fig.2, a,b,c,d) Totle length ♀11.0-14.0 mm,10.0-12.5mm,collected form Nanyang Funiushan Mountain Henan Province. Distribution: Henan, SHensi, Gansu, Szechuan, Shantung, Beijing, Hunan, and Xizang of China. Pardosa oriens (Chamberlin 1924) (fig. 4, a,b,c) Specimen length♀ 5.0 mm, 4.0 mm,collected from Yunnan and Jiangxi province. Distribution: Xizang, Yunnan, Guangtong, Kiangsi, Chekiang of China; Japan. Pardosa sumatrana (Therell, 1892) (fig. 4, a,b,c,d) Specimen length ♀ 8.0 mm,  8.0 mm, collected from Kiangsi Province. Distribution:Yunan, Guangtong, Kiangsi, Guizhou, Hongkong of China; Japan, India, Indonesia. Pardosa nebulosa (Therell, 1872) (fig. 5, a,b,c,d) Specimen length ♀6.0 mm,5.5 mm,collected from Yunan Province. Distribution: Chekiang, Kiangsi, Fujian, Szechuan and Yunan of China.
Keywords:Araneae  Lycosidae  Pardosa  Nebulosa Group  New species
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