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引用本文:苑兆和,陈立德,张心慧,赵玉洁. 果树分子育种研究进展[J]. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 45(4): 1. DOI: 10.12302/i.issn.1000-2006.202102015
作者姓名:苑兆和  陈立德  张心慧  赵玉洁
作者单位:南京林业大学,南方现代林业协同创新中心,南京林业大学林学院,江苏 南京210037
摘    要:我国是果树产业第一大国,具有丰富的果树品种资源。随着市场需求和自然环境的变化,我国果树产业中出现了一些新问题和新需求亟待解决。深入研究和系统分析我国果树育种现状,并探讨未来发展方向十分必要。转基因技术、分子标记技术等分子育种技术具有周期短、效率高、定向育种精确度高等优点,将其应用于果树育种可以改良果品品质并增强产业竞争力,是现代果树改良育种研究的重要手段。结合我国果树产业现阶段存在的品种单一、品质下降、病虫害危害增加等实际问题,从改善果实色泽、果型、大小、风味、质地、香味、功能物质等果实品质相关性状,以及提高抗干旱、低温、高温等非生物胁迫和抗病虫害等生物胁迫能力出发,综述了现代分子生物学技术在果树育种中的应用进展、不足以及发展建议,认为我国果树分子育种应该以满足不同人群和不同用途需求为基础,培育多样化、个性化的品种;以优质绿色安全为发展方向,培育抗性好、适合省力化栽培的品种;要充分利用果树全基因组丰富的遗传信息资源,在基因组或系统水平上全面分析基因功能,以揭示果树生长发育、环境应答互作分子网络、代谢等分子机制,为果树定向育种奠定基础;同时应综合运用现代生物学等各种先进技术,提升育种效率,逐步缩短培育新品种的周期。

关 键 词:果树  品质育种  抗性育种  分子育种

Advances in molecular breeding of fruit trees
Abstract:China is the largest country in the fruit tree industry, with abundant resources of fruit tree varieties. With the change of market demand and natural environment, some new problems and new demands need to be solved in China’s fruit industry. It is necessary to study deeply, analyze comprehensively the present situation, and discuss the future development direction of fruit tree breeding in China. Molecular breeding technologies such as genetically modified technology and molecular marker technology have the advantages of a short cycle, high efficiency, and high precision in directional breeding. These technologies are important methods for modern fruit tree breeding research, and can be applied into fruit tree breeding to improve the quality of fruit and enhance the competitiveness of the industry. Based on the problems such as a single variety, declining quality, and increasing pests and diseases, this paper reviewed the application, disadvantages and suggestions of modern molecular biology techniques in fruit tree breeding, including improving the quality-related traits such as color, shape, size, flavor, texture, smell and functional substances, as well as the abi-lity of resistance to abiotic stresses such as drought, low temperature, high temperature and biotic stresses such as diseases and insect pests to provide references for fruit tree breeding. It is considered that the molecular breeding of fruit trees in China should meet the needs of different populations and different uses, and cultivate diversified and personalized varieties. We should take high quality, green and safety as the development direction, and cultivate varieties with good resistance and suitable for the labor-saving cultivation. It is necessary to make full use of the abundant genetic information resources in the whole genome of fruit trees, and comprehensively analyze the gene functions at the genome or system levels, so as to reveal the molecular mechanisms of fruit tree growth and development, environmental response interaction network, metabolism and so on, and lay the foundation for directional breeding of fruit trees. Meanwhile, modern biology and other advanced technologies should be comprehensively used to improve breeding efficiency and gradually shorten the breeding cycle.
Keywords:fruit tree  quality breeding  resistance breeding  molecular breeding  
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