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引用本文:梁雅琼,李国栋,云月厚. 区熔提纯稀土金属的理论计算与分析[J]. 内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 33(3): 257-261
作者姓名:梁雅琼  李国栋  云月厚
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (批准号 5 986 4 0 0 2 )
摘    要:根据区熔提纯稀土的数学模型 ,经过计算与分析 ,理论上得到有效分离系数、杂质初始浓度、熔区移动速度对区熔提纯的影响 ,及接近提纯极限的提纯次数 ,给出采用区熔提纯的办法获得高纯度稀土的可行性研究

关 键 词:稀土  区熔  有效分离系数

The Calculation and Analysis on Zone Refining of Rare Earth Metal
LIANG Ya qiong,LI Guo dong,YUN Yue hou. The Calculation and Analysis on Zone Refining of Rare Earth Metal[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Neimongol, 2002, 33(3): 257-261
Authors:LIANG Ya qiong  LI Guo dong  YUN Yue hou
Abstract:According to the calculation and analysis on the numerical model of zone refining of rare earth,we can obtain the infection, what is some experiment parameters on zone refining, respectively, about the effective distribution coefficient?the original concentration of the impurity?the moving velocity of the refining zone, and the purify time near purify limit. So we can get the study of the feasibility on obtaining the high pure rare earth by adopting zone refining.
Keywords:rare earth  zone refining  effective distribution coefficient  
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