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引用本文:冯长根. 选择培育战略性新兴产业的几点建议[J]. 科技导报(北京), 2010, 28(9): 19-21
作者单位:中国科学技术协会 北京
摘    要: 根据“十二五”时期中国科技发展环境的新特点,战略性新兴产业培育应重点考虑以太阳能和核能为主的新能源产业及高效节能煤电产业、以生物医药和生物育种为主的生物产业、以三网融合和3G为代表的网络信息产业、以低碳排放和节水减污为特征的节能环保产业、以干线飞机和近地空间技术产业为代表的航空航天产业5个领域,并正确处理好中国战略性新兴产业与发达国家新兴产业、战略性新兴产业与一般产业以及科技人力资源、公民科学素质、创新文化培育与战略性新兴产业5个关系。

关 键 词:战略性新兴产业  新兴科技  新兴产业  科技创新  

A Proposal on How to Select Newly Developed Strategic Industries in National Support Program
Abstract:According to the characteristics of the environment of China's science and technology development in the period of the twelfth five year plan, the following five fields of newly developed strategic industries should be selected in the national support program: the new energy industry with solar energy and nuclear energy as the principal parts and high energy-efficient coal power industry, the biological industry with biological medicine and biological breeding as the principal parts, the network information industry with the convergence of computer network, telephone network and cable TV network, and the 3G technology as the principal parts, the energy saving and environment protection industry with low carbon discharge and water saving, pollution-free technologies as the principal parts, the aerospace industry with trunk-line aircraft and near earth space technology as the principal parts. The following relations should be rightly dealt with: the relation between newly developed strategic industries in China and newly developed industries in developed countries, the relation between newly developed strategic industries and traditional industries, the relation between science and technology man power and newly developed strategic industries, the relation between public science awareness and newly developed strategic industries, and the relation between innovation culture and newly developed strategic industries.
Keywords:newly developed strategic industry  newly developed science and technology  newly developed industry  science and technology innovation  
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