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引用本文:冉茂宇. 居住建筑最小窗面积及窗墙比的确定[J]. 华侨大学学报(自然科学版), 2000, 21(4): 384-389
作者单位:华侨大学建筑系,泉州 362011
摘    要:根据居住建筑对室内光环境要求的特点,以标量采光系数为依据,提出确定居住建筑最小窗面积及窗墙面积比的方法,该方法较全面地考虑了影响室内光环境的4大因素,即室外光气修、房间大小、室外遮挡和室内表面对光的吸收,利用该方法对我国各光气候区进行计算,结果表明旧规范所规定的采暖居住建筑北向房间窗墙面积比(0.2)确实偏小,这与实践中人们会无意识地加大北向窗墙面积比的事实相符,通过对6栋T形住宅的采光进行问卷调查,将统计结果与该方法的计算结果进行比较,说明该方法的合理可行性。

关 键 词:居住建筑  窗墙面积比  昼光环境  标量采光系数

Determining Least Window Area and Area Ratio o Window to Wall of Residential Building
Ran Maoyu. Determining Least Window Area and Area Ratio o Window to Wall of Residential Building[J]. Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science), 2000, 21(4): 384-389
Authors:Ran Maoyu
Abstract:Based on the specialized claim of residential building for indoor light environment,a method based on scalar lighting coefficient is advanced for determining least window area and area ratio of windoow to wall.The method all sidedly considers outdoor light climate,roomsize,outdoor shelter,and light absorption as four important factors influencing indoor light environment.The method is applied to the computation of various light climate regions in our country.Regarding the area ratio of window to wall in north room for heating residential building,this method explains that 0.2 as area ratio in old specification is on the low side and no wonder that people are likely to enlarge unconsciously the ratio of window to wall in north room.This method is illustrated to be resonable and feasible by questionnaire investigation into the daylight of six T shaped houses and by the comparison of calculated results of this method with statistical results.
Keywords:residential building   area ratio of window to wall   daylighting environment   scalar lighting coefficicent  
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