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Responses of ground-dwelling spiders to four hedgerow species on sloped agricultural fields in Southwest
Authors:Yuhong Wu  Qingnian Cai  Chaowen Lin  Yibing Chen  Yuying Li  Xu Cheng
Affiliation:1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,China Agricultural University,Beijing,100193,China
2. College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing,100193,China
3. Institute of Soils and Fertilizers,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu,610066,China
4. College of Life Science and Technology,Nanyang Normal University,Nanyang,473061,China
Abstract:Spiders are important predators in aeroecosystems and contribute to the control of agricultural nect nnnulatinns.Hahitat manage-ment such as the creation of new semi-natural habitats around or within fields enhances spider abundance and species diversity.Using pitfall traps,we investigated the effects of four hedgerow plant svecies.which serve as undisturhed and permanent semi-narimal habitats,on ground-dwelling spider activity density(a parameter of nonulation density and relative activitv)and species richness.Samples were ollected over two winter wheat and two summer maize growing seasons druing 2005-2007 in trial field 1(slope gradient of 20%)and field 2(slope gradient of 12%)at the Ziyane Experimental Site in Sichuan Province,China.The hedgerow species evaluated were Amorpha fruticosa(field 1).Vetiveria zizanioides(field 1),EulahODsis binata (field 2),and Afediraon sativa(field 2).CnmnareA to rnntrnl plots,hedgerow plots had significantly higher activity density and species richness of ground-dwelling spiders within strips in both fields 1 and 2 during the wheat growing season.The presence of hedgerow strins did not augment the activity density and species richness of ground-dwelling spiders within the crop fields during the wheat or maize growing seasons.The ground-dwelling spider activity density within hedgerow strips was significantly higher in the Vetiveria than in the AmorDha nlots and in the Medicago than in the Eulaliopsis plots,and the species richness was significantly higher in the Vetiveria than in the Amornha plots during the wheat season. Our results suggest that hedgerows may serve as important overwinterine sites for ground-dwelling spiders durinjthe wheat growing season.In addition,the diversification of agroecosystems by using hedgerow strips may be a viable strategy for maintaining ground-dwelling spider populations in agricultural areas.However,ground-dwelling spiders did not move into adiacent crop fields;therefore,future work should address the mechanisms of attracting spiders into crop fields,thereby contributing to the bio-control of pests.
Keywords:Activity density  Araneae  Ground-dwelling  Hedgerow  Pitfall trapping  Species richness
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