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On biogeomorphology of Luhuitou fringing reef of Sanya City, Hainan Island, China
Authors:ZHANG Qiaomin
Affiliation: South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China
Abstract:Based on comprehensive survey of 6 transects on Luhuitou fringing reef in Sanya City of Hainan Island, China, some features of its biogeomorphologic processes were found, including ( i ) three basic biogeomorphologic units: inner reef flat, outer reef flat and reef slope; (ii) two important biogeomorphologic boundary lines: up limit for live flat coral growing between inner and outer reef flats is Mean Lower Low Water of tropic tide ± 15 cm; the break in slope between reef flat and reef slope is Theoretical Lowest Tide±15 cm; (iii) three types of reef flat profiles in response to distinctive Holocene sea level changes and dynamic condition: Luhuitou type responds to falling sea level and low wave energy; Xiaodonghai type to falling sea sevel and high wave energy; type for atolls of Nansha Islands to stable sea level and low wave energy; (iv) hermatypic coral community is the most essential member in coral reef ecosystem and plays the most important role in biogeomorphologic process. Over the past 30 years Luhuitou fringing reef was severely destroyed by human activities, its biogeomorphologic function severely weakened, and it needs urgent management and protection.
Keywords:fringing reefs   biogeomorphology   reef flat   sea level change   Hainan Island.
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