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Composition of plagioclase in Dabie Early Cretaceous granitoids:influence of fractional crystallization on whole-rock Sr–Ca O correlations
基金项目:supported by theFundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2-9-2012-129)
摘    要:Identifying melts of thickened lower continental crust from high Sr/Y rocks is very important to trace deep crustal processes. Recent studies on Dabie Early Cretaceous granitoids have revealed that melts derived from thickened lower continental crust have higher Sr/CaO ratios and define a high Sr evolution trend compared with normal granitoids. Fractional crystallization of plagioclase can significantly change Sr and CaO contents of melts, but its role in controlling the Sr/CaO ratios of the melts is still unclear. This study gives a direct comparison of plagioclase compositions between normal granitoids and low-Mg adakitic rocks. On the basis of Sr-Ca exchange partition coefficient, discussions on effect of plagioclase crystallization on Sr/CaO ratios of melts show that fractional crystallization of abundant plagioclase cannot significantly change Sr/CaO ratios of granitic melts, which are inherited from their individual initial melts. High Sr/CaO ratios indicate the absence of plagioclase in sources of granitic melts. Therefore, high Sr/CaO correlation can be an important indicator to identify melts derived from thickened lower continental crust.

关 键 词:锶/钙比值  斜长花岗岩  分步结晶  早白垩世  斜长石  大别山  组成  下地壳熔融
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