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引用本文:李东辉,王步选,张文静. 水平分辨率对大洋环流模式模拟性能的影响[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 11(3): 360-364
作者姓名:李东辉  王步选  张文静
摘    要:通过分析不同水平分辨率海洋模式的模拟结果及其与观测资料的对比,研究了水平分辨率对大洋环流模式模拟性能的影响。在中国科学院大气物理研究所研制的第三代大洋环流模式(L30T63 OGCM)的基础上,提高该模式的水平分辨率,建立了2个版本的全球大洋环流模式。其一,纬向和经向水平分辨率分别为1.5°和1°的全球大洋环流模式(OGCM1);其二,经向水平分辨率为变网格的全球大洋环流模式(OGCM2),其纬向水平分辨率仍为1.5°。分别对L30T63 OGCM和建立的2个版本的大洋环流模式从静止积分100 a。采用相同的动力框架、物理过程、南北边界条件、初始条件以及强迫场对比分析L30T63 OGCM、OGCM1和OGCM2第100年的积分结果。分析结果表明,随着模式水平分辨率的提高,模式计算的整体动能和位能随之增大,模式对上层大洋环流特别是热带上层大洋环流的模拟有明显的改善。

关 键 词:水平分辨率  大洋环流模式  数值计算

Effect of horizontal resolution on computational capability ofoceanic general circulation model
LI Dong-hui,WANG Bu-xuan and ZHANG Wen-jing. Effect of horizontal resolution on computational capability ofoceanic general circulation model[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2010, 11(3): 360-364
Authors:LI Dong-hui  WANG Bu-xuan  ZHANG Wen-jing
Affiliation:Meteorological and Hydrological Center,Nanjing Military Area,Nanjing 210016,China;cientific Research Department,PLA Univ.Sci.& Tech.,Nanjing 210007,China;Institute of Meteorology,PLA Univ.Sci.& Tech.,Nanjing 211101,China
Abstract:T he effect o f enhancing hor izontal resolut ion on the computat ional capability o f the oceanic g eneral cir culation model ( OGCM) w as discussed by compar ing the simulat ions of OGCM w ith different horizontalreso lut ions by observat ion. Based on the third g eneration of oceanic general circulat ion model( L30T 63 OGCM) developed by Institute of Atmo spheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, two differentversio ns of o ceanic g eneral circulat ion models w ere established by enhancing the horizontal resolution of the model . T he first one developed a hig her ho rizontal reso lut ion o ceanic general circulat ion model( OGCM1) , w ith homogeneo us 1. 5°×1°h orizo ntal reso lut ion. The second o ne w as a meridional variablegrid oceanic gener al circulat io n mo del ( OGCM2) , w ith the same zonal horizo ntal resolut ion as that ofOGCM1. The L30T 63 OGCM and the other tw o models w ere separ ately integ rated for 100 y ears f rom thestat ic state. T he simulat ions o f L30T 63 OGCM, OGCM1 and OGCM2, w hich po ssessed the same dynamicalfr ame, physical process, south and north boundar y condition, initial condit ion and precisio n o f the for cingf ield, w er e analy zed and co nt rasted. T he resul ts indicate that , w ith the improvement of the horizo ntalresolut ion, the w hole kinet ic ener gy and potential energ y calculated by the model is increased, and that thesimulated g lobal upper ocean circulat ion, especial lyin t ropics, is impr oved evidently in the higher resolution mo del.
Keywords:horizontal reso lut ion   oceanic g eneralcirculat ion model   numerical calculat ion
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