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Designation of Thouarella abies Broch, 1965 as the type species of the subgenus Fannyella (Scyphogorgia) Cairns and Bayer, 2009, and description of a new genus for Stenella (Dasystenella) liouvillei Gravier, 1913 (Octocorallia: Primnoidae)
Abstract:Recently the two Antarctic gorgonian species Stenella (Dasystenella) liouvillei Gravier, 1913 Gravier, CH. 1913. Seconde Expédition Antarctique Française (1908–1910). Alcyonaires (2° note préliminaire). Bull Mus Nat Hist Nat. Paris, 19: 589593.  [Google Scholar] and Thouarella abies Broch, 1965 Broch, H. 1965. Some octocorals from Antarctic Waters. Scientific Results of the “Brategg” Expedition, 1947–48. Christensens Hvalfangstmus i Sandejford Publ., 26: 1938.  [Google Scholar] were synonymized and considered as Fannyella (Scyphogorgia) liouvillei. The re-examination of the type material of both species and newly collected specimens demonstrate that this synonym can no longer be considered valid. In the present study we propose, following the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, to change the current type species of the subgenus Scyphogorgia, Stenella liouvillei, to Thouarella abies, the new combination being Fannyella (Scyphogorgia) abies. Furthermore we propose a new genus, Scopaegorgia, to accommodate Stenella liouvillei. Both species are completely re-described from the type material and the abundant specimens collected during some recent Antarctic cruises.
Keywords:Octocorallia  Primnoidae  Antarctica  Scopaegorgia  Scyphogorgia
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