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Bio-sketches and partitioning of sympatric reed frogs,genus Hyperolius (Amphibia; Hyperoliidae), in two humid tropical African forest regions
Abstract:Sympatric reed frog species were studied in Gabon (Monts Cristal: Hyperolius mosaicus, H. pardalis, H. tuberculatus) and Kenya (Kakamega Forest: Hyperolius acuticeps, H. cf. cinnamomeoventris, H. kivuensis, H. lateralis, H. viridiflavus). For each taxon, a standardized diagnosis covering 11 aspects of adult and in part tadpole morphology as well as the sequence of a 560 bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA of the 16S ribosomal gene are provided. In addition, behavioural data are given for each species including measurable parameters of advertisement calls. The Monts Cristal Hyperolius species clearly differ in their spatial arrangement through the choice of breeding site. Hyperolius species at the Kakamega Forest share the same breeding sites but in part differ in their activity pattern throughout the year. Advertisement calls of sympatric species in both regions mainly differ in temporal parameters.
Keywords:Anura  taxonomy  species diagnoses  behavioural traits  bioacoustics  niche divergence  molecular taxonomy  Gabon  Kenya  Afrotropics
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