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Genetic diversity in the Carabodes marginatus species group (Acarida,Oribatida, Carabodidae) as inferred from allozymes
Abstract:Ten populations representing four species of the ‘Carabodes marginatus’ group, as C. marginatus, C. affinis, C. quadrangulus and C. montanus from central Italy have been studied for genetic variation at 16 enzymatic loci by electrophoresis. Morphotypes close to C. marginatus but easily distinguishable by the shorter marginal notogastral setae were also included in the analysis to evaluate their systematic status. Carabodes arduinii, a very different species from the ‘coriaceus’ group, was employed as an out-group. Phylogenetic relationships among different species were studied and inferred data demonstrated that cladogenetic events occurred, even though rates of molecular and morphological evolution do not correlate. Morphotypes related to C. marginatus were genetically very close to the type specimens, but a different pattern of allele frequency was observed in sympatric populations of the two setal forms. Possible explanations for this finding are suggested in relation to historical processes. The rate of gene flow among populations of the two morphs was estimated by both Wright's F st and Slatkin's Nm methods. These two different procedures yielded contradictory results.
Keywords:Oribatid mites  allozymes  speciation  gene flow  morphological vs. genetic differentiation
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