Abstract: | Telerobotic systems become more and more important due to emerging hi-technologyand practical requirement in modern society. This paper studies and integrates the modeling, taskscheduling, action planning and control of telerobot systems. Such hybrid syStems often involve coalmunication, command and control, and are so complex that no efficient and simple method could befound to analyze and design systems. To increase the efficiency, reliability and safety oftelrobot syStems,the consideration of task scheduling and action planning in a unified framework could be an importantstep. The discrete-event dynamics is modeled as a linear state-spare equation in Mad-Algebra sense.Performance evaluation can be carried out efficiently. Then analysis about time-delay continuous-timedynamics is given for the scheduling and control, which shows that, to simplify the design procedure,it is necessary to present a good delay scheduling, for example, by changing multi-time-delays to singleones in advance. Robustness conditions are derived using graph theory for dipcrete-event dynamics andmatrix analysis for continuous-time dynamics. |