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引用本文:张玉安,冯登国. 一种带有时序参数的分组密码[J]. 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2005, 23(2): 21-26
作者姓名:张玉安  冯登国
基金项目:The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (60025205);Open Projects of State Key Laboratory of Information Security
摘    要:通过将系统时间和数据组号混合到轮密钥之中,可以有效地防止一些对分组密码算法的攻击.文中探讨了这类实用的密码算法方案的一般模式.由于变更部分轮密钥通常比若干轮变换快很多,这类方案会有明显的效率优势.在安全方面,由于加密时所有明文组几乎都各自使用了不同的轮密钥,而绝大数攻击方法需要一定数量相同密钥加密的明密文对,从而使这些攻击方法不能奏效.这也许会导致这类带有时间组号参数的分组算法在减少迭代轮情况下仍然是安全的.做为例子,给出了一个在安全和效率方面均有良好性能的密码算法TCR6.

关 键 词:密码学  数据加密  分组密码  轮密钥更新  安全与效率  TCR6

ZHANG Yu-an,FENG Deng-guo. BLOCK CIPHERS WITH TC PARAMETERS[J]. Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2005, 23(2): 21-26
Authors:ZHANG Yu-an  FENG Deng-guo
Abstract:Certain kind of attacks on some block ciphers may be efficiently resisted by mixing the round keys with a group of frequently changed numbers computed from system time and the counter of data blocks.The general form of such practical schemes has been discussed.Because the changing of certain part of round keys is often much faster than the operations of certain rounds of encryption (or decryption),the efficiencies of this kind of block cipher schemes are quite obvious.In security,as nearly every plaintext data block is encrypted with different keys,and as most attacking techniques have high demands of plaintext/ciphertext pairs,it is difficult for them to work in such a cipher scheme.This may result that a block cipher with time and counter parameters is secure even with cases that the number of round is largely reduced.As an important example of the entire solution,we introduce a cipher scheme TCR6 which has some satisfactory features in both security and efficiency.
Keywords:cryptography  data encryption  block cipher scheme  updating of the round keys  security and efficiency  TCR6
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