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摘    要:分析了黄河断流灾害的影响、特点和成因,并提出了缓解和根治黄河断流灾害的对策

关 键 词:黄河  断流  灾害  对策

The Disaster of the Running outof the Yellow River and the Ways to Dealwith its Disaster
Authors:LIHai  m in
Abstract:It is an undoubted factthatthe Yellow River has run outin its low er reaches,w hich has draw n greatattention ofthe w hole country. The disasterofthe running outofthe Yellow Riverhasbroughta serious offectson the econom ic developm entin itslow er reaches. This thesis discussed the effects and characteristics as w ellas causes of the disaster of therunning out of the Yellow River, and put forw ard the w ay to elim inate the disaster of therunning out ofthe Yellow River.
Keywords:the  Yellow  River    Running out of Water    Disaster    Counter  Measures  
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