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引用本文:孙军利,赵宝龙,蒋卫杰,孙治强,余宏军. 不同施肥对日光温室春茬黄瓜生长、产量和品质影响[J]. 石河子大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 24(6): 689-693
作者姓名:孙军利  赵宝龙  蒋卫杰  孙治强  余宏军
摘    要:采用二次回归饱和D-最优设计进行基质培黄瓜施肥试验。以氮磷钾肥施用量为自变量,黄瓜产量、硝酸盐含量、维生素C为目标函数,设三因素四水平,探讨了不同施肥对日光温室基质栽培春茬黄瓜生长、产量和品质的影响。结果表明,应用二次回归饱和D-最优设计进行黄瓜施肥试验,获得黄瓜中农202氮磷钾肥的效应方程式为:Y=11231.91+285.13X1+9.86X2+777.15X3-960X1X1-204.58X2X2+208.26X3X3+758.36X1X3+164.96X2X3。所建立的优化施肥数学模型达到显著水平。钾肥的影响十分显著,氮钾、磷钾配合施用可使黄瓜产量显著增加,而增施钾肥是增产的关键。据此方程通过产量频数法分析后得出,黄瓜产量在10000~15000g/小区范围的优化施肥方案是:N为0.76g/株.次-1,P2O5为0.37g/株.次-1,K2O为0.91g/株.次-1;氮对果实中硝酸盐含量影响极显著;植株的主要形态指标与产量的相关度高低顺序为:株高>叶面积>叶片数。

关 键 词:黄瓜  无土栽培        数学模型

Effects of N,P2O5 and K2O on Cucumber Yield,Quality and Growth in Growing Media
SUN Jun-li,ZHAO Bao-long,JIANG Wei-jie,SUN Zhi-qiang,YU Hong-jun. Effects of N,P2O5 and K2O on Cucumber Yield,Quality and Growth in Growing Media[J]. Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science), 2006, 24(6): 689-693
Authors:SUN Jun-li  ZHAO Bao-long  JIANG Wei-jie  SUN Zhi-qiang  YU Hong-jun
Abstract:Making fertilizer experiment on cucumber in the Ivf Caas.The test employs D-top saturation regress design.Taking N,P2O5,K2O as variable,the yield,NO-13,VC as aim function,three factors and four levels.The result produces the equation:Y=11231.91+285.13X1+9.86X2+777.15X3-960X1X1204.58X2X2+208.26X3X3+758.36X1X3+164.96X2X3.The model is significant to N coordinated with K2O and P2O5 coordinated with K2O is notable to yields.It is the key factor to increase yield to add the fertilizer of K2O.According to frequency analysis,we can make a calculation of better fertilizer proposal:when the range of yield is between 10000 and 15000(g/zone),the dosage of N,P2O5,K2O is 0.76,0.37,0.91g.It is significant that N fertilizer influences the content of NO-3 in the fruit.The sequence of correlativity degree about the main characters of cucumber to yield is height >leaf area>the number of leaf.
Keywords:cucumber   soilless cultivation   N   P   K   relationship   maths model
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