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摘    要:研究黄河故道湿地可培养细菌的多样性及其产木聚糖酶的应用潜力.采用稀释平板涂布法从湿地样品中获得119株菌株,形态去重复后对93株进行16SrRNA基因系统发育分析以及利用刚果红染色法进行木聚糖酶活性筛选.结果表明,分离得到的菌株分属于4个门的18个科、21个属,其中优势类群为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)(41株,44%).该地区可培养细菌的Shannon-Wienner多样性指数H′=3.66,Simpson指数D=0.97;Margalef物种丰富度指数dMa=10.59;Shannon物种均匀度指数E=0.94,且样点青龙湖多样性指数高于样点刘寨.93株代表性菌株的木聚糖酶筛选结果显示,11.82%具有木聚糖酶活性,链霉菌和芽孢杆菌在木聚糖酶活性菌株中比例最高.以上结果表明豫北黄河故道湿地蕴含丰富的细菌资源,可为木聚糖酶的研发提供良好的菌种来源.

关 键 词:黄河故道湿地  可培养细菌  多样性  木聚糖酶

Diversity and Screening of Culturable Bacteria with Xylanase in Old Yellow River Course Wetland
Affiliation:,College of Fisheries,Henan Normal University,Institute of Synthetic Biology,Department of Life Science,Xinxiang Medical University
Abstract:To investigate the diversity of soil culturable bacteria of the Old Yellow River Course wetland and exploring their xylanase producing activity.Total 119 strains were isolated by using conventional culture-dependent method.After dereplication and removing the similar strains,phylogenetic analysis based on 16 SrRNA gene sequences comparisons were further performed.The results showed that the 93 isolates belong to 21 genera of 18 families in 4phylogenetic groups.The most abundant and diverse isolates was the phylumProteobacteria(41strains,44%).The diversity indices of this region including Shannon-Wiennerindex(H′),the Simpson index(D),the Shannon evenness index(E)and the Margalef index(dMa)were 3.66,0.968,10.589 and 0.941 respectively,and the diversity indices of site Qinglong Lake were higher than site Liuzhai.Xylanase screening results showed that the positive rate about 11.82%in 93 strains.The abundant genus were Streptomyces and Bacillus.This experimental results showed that there were abundant bacterial species diversity and phylogenetic diversity in the Old Yellow River Course wetland.Meanwhile,these strains exhibited stronger activity of xylanase,which could provide the highquality experimental for the research and development of functional compounds.
Keywords:Old Yellow River Course wetland  culturable bacteria  phylogenetic analysis  biodiversity  xylanase
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