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引用本文:高峰记. 可能度及区间数综合排序[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2013, 33(8): 2033-2040. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2013)8-2033
作者单位:解放军后勤学院 后勤管理系, 北京 100858
摘    要:
首先对可能度进行综述, 证明其中四种可能度计算方法相互等价. 给出了可能度公理, 证明了文献中经常出现的两种区间数综合排序方法的排序结果是完全一致的, 并用反例说明用它们对区间数进行综合排序, 其排序结果不具有保序性. 文章给出了一种区间数综合排序的新方法, 并证明用该方法对区间数进行综合排序, 其排序结果具有保序性. 最后通过实例说明了该方法的合理性和可行性.

关 键 词:可能度  区间数  区间决策  排序  

Possibility degree and comprehensive priority of interval numbers
GAO Feng-ji. Possibility degree and comprehensive priority of interval numbers[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2013, 33(8): 2033-2040. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2013)8-2033
Authors:GAO Feng-ji
Affiliation:Department of Logistics Administration, Logistics Academy PLA, Beijing 100858, China
First this paper makes a summary of possibility degree, and proves that four of the possibility degree calculation methods are mutual equivalent. This paper proposes possibility degree axiom, and proves that the priority results of two kinds of integration priority method appearing frequently in the literature, are completely consistent, and do not have the rank preservation. This paper presents a new integration priority method, and proves that the priority result can keep the former interval number orders using this method. An example is given to explain the rationality and feasibility of the new method finally.
Keywords:possibility degree  interval number  interval decision making  priority
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