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引用本文:胡杰桦,谷正气,何忆斌,陈细军,张海峰. 汽车尾部流场湍流模型数值分析与实验研究[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2010, 22(2)
作者姓名:胡杰桦  谷正气  何忆斌  陈细军  张海峰
基金项目:国家863计划(2007AA04Z122); 湖南大学汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室自主研究课题(60870001); 教育部长江学者与创新团队发展计划(531105050037); 湖南省科技计划重点项目(06FJ2001)
摘    要:
应用CFD方法计算模拟理想形体三维外流场,比较了四种湍流模型数值计算数据,以及风洞实验数据计算Cd值。针对汽车尾部复杂流场,应用粒子图像速度场仪(Particle Image Velocimetry,PIV)对纵对称面的测量数据,与数值计算数据进行比较分析。结果表明,标准k-ε模型有较高的Cd值计算精度,V2F模型则在流场方面较为理想。

关 键 词:湍流模型  风洞实验  PIV  仿真  外流场  

Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research on Turbulent Wake of Vehicle
HU Jie-hua,GU Zheng-qi,HE Yi-bin,CHEN Xi-jun,ZHANG Hai-feng. Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research on Turbulent Wake of Vehicle[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2010, 22(2)
Authors:HU Jie-hua  GU Zheng-qi  HE Yi-bin  CHEN Xi-jun  ZHANG Hai-feng
Affiliation:HU Jie-hua,GU Zheng-qi,HE Yi-bin,CHEN Xi-jun,ZHANG Hai-feng (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design , Manufacture for Vehicle Body,Changsha 410082,China)
The external flow field around the ideal body was simulated with the method of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Some aerodynamic parameters were obtained. On the basis of analysis, the external flow field was simulated with different turbulent models, with the result being compared with that of the wind tunnel test. The analysis of the wake shows differences between turbulent models and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) test. The results indicate that standard k-ε turbulent model could give reasonable prediction for drag, at the same time v2f turbulent model has higher calculation precision for vehicle external flow field.
Keywords:turbulent model  wind tunnel  PIV  numerical simulation  external flow field  
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