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Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution
Authors:Gibbs Richard A  Weinstock George M  Metzker Michael L  Muzny Donna M  Sodergren Erica J  Scherer Steven  Scott Graham  Steffen David  Worley Kim C  Burch Paula E  Okwuonu Geoffrey  Hines Sandra  Lewis Lora  DeRamo Christine  Delgado Oliver  Dugan-Rocha Shannon  Miner George  Morgan Margaret  Hawes Alicia  Gill Rachel  Celera   Holt Robert A  Adams Mark D  Amanatides Peter G  Baden-Tillson Holly  Barnstead Mary  Chin Soo  Evans Cheryl A  Ferriera Steve  Fosler Carl  Glodek Anna  Gu Zhiping  Jennings Don  Kraft Cheryl L  Nguyen Trixie  Pfannkoch Cynthia M  Sitter Cynthia  Sutton Granger G  Venter J Craig  Woodage Trevor
Affiliation:Human Genome Sequencing Center, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, MS BCM226, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, Texas 77030, USA .
Abstract:The laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus) is an indispensable tool in experimental medicine and drug development, having made inestimable contributions to human health. We report here the genome sequence of the Brown Norway (BN) rat strain. The sequence represents a high-quality 'draft' covering over 90% of the genome. The BN rat sequence is the third complete mammalian genome to be deciphered, and three-way comparisons with the human and mouse genomes resolve details of mammalian evolution. This first comprehensive analysis includes genes and proteins and their relation to human disease, repeated sequences, comparative genome-wide studies of mammalian orthologous chromosomal regions and rearrangement breakpoints, reconstruction of ancestral karyotypes and the events leading to existing species, rates of variation, and lineage-specific and lineage-independent evolutionary events such as expansion of gene families, orthology relations and protein evolution.
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